Hollywood’s Accused Harassers, Molesters, Rapists – The Rap Sheet, 50 So Far
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25 Oct 2017
As the Harvey Weinstein scandal spreads like an STD throughout the entertainment industry worldwide, as the courage of those coming forward to name names inspires similar courage in others, we cannot allow ourselves to become so accustomed to the allegations that they lose their power to outrage.
Although some male victims have come forward, the alleged victims here are mostly vulnerable young women and children.
Worse, so far, all of the alleged abusers are the very men whose primary responsibility in any civilized society is to protect women and children.
As a means to understand just how, yes, institutional these allegations are, here is a list (in no particular order) of the accused and their alleged misdeeds, which will be updated as needed.
Unless otherwise indicated, these stand only as allegations.
So far, 50 and counting…
Is there any doubt the entertainment industry, that Harveywood is enabling an unspeakable war on women … and children?
50. Andrew Kramer – Lionsgate Executive
Resigned due to allegations of sexual harassment.
49. Kevin Spacey – Oscar-winning Actor
Accused of attempting to seduce a 14 year-old boy.
48. Ken Baker – E! News correspondent
Accused of sexual misconduct and harassment.
47. Rick Najera – CBS Diversity Director
Fired over sexual harassment allegations.
46. Louis C.K. – Comedian, Filmmaker
Swirling rumors of sexual misconduct.
45. Mark Halperin – Journalist, TV Producer
Multiple accusations of inappropriate sexual conduct and harassment.
44. Robert Scoble – Tech writer
Allegations of sexual harassment.
Getty (all)
25 Oct 2017
As the Harvey Weinstein scandal spreads like an STD throughout the entertainment industry worldwide, as the courage of those coming forward to name names inspires similar courage in others, we cannot allow ourselves to become so accustomed to the allegations that they lose their power to outrage.
Although some male victims have come forward, the alleged victims here are mostly vulnerable young women and children.
Worse, so far, all of the alleged abusers are the very men whose primary responsibility in any civilized society is to protect women and children.
As a means to understand just how, yes, institutional these allegations are, here is a list (in no particular order) of the accused and their alleged misdeeds, which will be updated as needed.
Unless otherwise indicated, these stand only as allegations.
So far, 50 and counting…
Is there any doubt the entertainment industry, that Harveywood is enabling an unspeakable war on women … and children?
50. Andrew Kramer – Lionsgate Executive
Resigned due to allegations of sexual harassment.
49. Kevin Spacey – Oscar-winning Actor
Accused of attempting to seduce a 14 year-old boy.
48. Ken Baker – E! News correspondent
Accused of sexual misconduct and harassment.
47. Rick Najera – CBS Diversity Director
Fired over sexual harassment allegations.
46. Louis C.K. – Comedian, Filmmaker
Swirling rumors of sexual misconduct.
45. Mark Halperin – Journalist, TV Producer
Multiple accusations of inappropriate sexual conduct and harassment.
44. Robert Scoble – Tech writer
Allegations of sexual harassment.