Re. previous posts (Tom, El-Jefe, and me...see above), it appears Snyder will only get 7 matches in, and will be one short of the "8" required for a Coaches Ranking. If this is the case, HE WILL NOT EARN THE B1G A QUALIFIER SLOT. This is important because it makes it that much more difficult for "fringe" heavies to earn a trip to Nationals.
Coon, Kroells, Stoll, Smith, and Jensen are shoe-ins, so that's 5 qualifier slots. Black is likely, and Horwath and Peck are possible. Snyder can only earn a slot if he wrestles in a tournament and gets several matches, in addition to tOSU's regular schedule...again, the magic number is 8. If he gets to 8, he'll earn a slot for sure.
Then there's the tournament itself. Assuming 7 slots, and not seeing Renfroe (MSU), Jennings (NU), Goldman (Ind), or Kral (Pur) earning their way, it looks like Black, Horwath, Peck, and our guy, maybe even Jensen, vying for 2 spots.
Of course, all this could (and probably will) change as we get closer to Big Ten's
