Some great comments from Vincenzo Joseph on IMAR slapping him in the face 4 or 5 times and attempting to be a bully in his matches, going toe to toe with a 2 time National Champ as a RS Freshman and winning the match.
Funny comments from Jason Nolf... "I'm excited winning that match... as you can tell by the look on my face." Coming from self described stoic Jason. Classic quip.
Opening comment to Cael... "These guys would do anything for you." That's the culture at Penn State. Mark Hall stated that "if he was half the man that Cael was he's have a great life." Cael quipped that it was probably a comment about his WEIGHT. Lol
Comments from Zain on the Coaches working with him to tweak the bow and arrow into a pinning combination. Thoughts on the HODGE Trophy.
Great comments from Bo. "So proud of my team mates." And funny quip from Bo... "Thanks for sticking around everybody. " Too funny.
Comments from Mark Hall... "I talked about pulling my RS with my dad and he said... NO, NO, NO."
Great comments all through the interviews that needed to be heard by Penn State fans. Enjoy.
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