That's not true - all religions are not the same. Catholicism, the original Christianity, is absolutely a sect of Judaism (obviously not Orthodox, but clearly a branch of Judaism, as in Jews who believe Christ was the God-Sent Messiah as prophesied in the Book of Isaiah and Daniel. After all 100% of the original Christians were Jewish by both faith and blood - Paul, the Great Converter of Gentiles [i.e., Saul of Taursus], founded "Synagogues".... and Christians were considered, and termed "Jews" by the Romans until Constantine came along in the 4th Century AD - the Romans only considered it a religion and put people to death for celebrating this religion within the City-State of Rome). My point is that Judeo-Christianity worship the same fundamental cannon (Moses Covenant with God and the Ten Commandments) - within those religious laws, there is a strict prohibition against worshipping Mohammed (and Jihad) as Muslims do - it is not the same "God".
Christians are not required to deny their own faith and praise blasphemy - nor is it considered "anti-Christian" to identify such blasphemy which is an affront to God. The notion that Moses' God ever told anyone that it is okay to kill innocents as long as it is done in the name of "Jihad", let alone that they will be given 10 virgins in heaven, is beyond ridiculous. The only time killing is justified is when it is out of "self defense" when being attacked.