So goes the news battle cry of gun control proponents. Heck, you can say that for most things people buy to include that latte from Starbucks. It’s not necessarily good for you, and even less so for your wallet!’s-not-the-point/ar-AAvEifg?ocid=spartanntp
Ironic how the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post rails against the AR15 and yet when you query ‘AR15’ on Amazon you get a ton of hits, not for the gun itself but for a plethora of accessories. So Bezos profits from AR15 sales. Things that make you go hmm…
I thank you and have a blessed day!’s-not-the-point/ar-AAvEifg?ocid=spartanntp
Ironic how the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post rails against the AR15 and yet when you query ‘AR15’ on Amazon you get a ton of hits, not for the gun itself but for a plethora of accessories. So Bezos profits from AR15 sales. Things that make you go hmm…
I thank you and have a blessed day!