Was PA HS wrestling just cancelled?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Those of you with more insight, what say you? Since the Gov just recommended no high sports until 2021 I do not believe the PIAA will break from that recommendation.
Those of you with more insight, what say you? Since the Gov just recommended no high sports until 2021 I do not believe the PIAA will break from that recommendation.

They could push fall sports into January like California. Although, January has a different set of issues in PA than CA for sports like football.
Cart being put WAY ahead of the horse here.

Last question at Wolf's presser this morning, he was asked about HS sports, said he recommended none until Jan 1. No follow-up questions allowed.

PIAA has since booked an emergency mtg for this afternoon, which means Wolf went rogue on them.

What this really means is: PIAA so far has set guidelines and allowed schools to make their own decisions. Wolf doesn't like that approach, wants a centralized state-wide decision. He doesn't want to work with PIAA and doesn't want the backlash of overruling them. So he went public with a backhand swing.

PA is such a sh**show.
From Dear Sandy this morning in regard to football /fall sports: “As of today, the current large group gatherings guidance from the Governor’s office limits capacity to 250 people for outside events and 25 people for inside events. Therefore, under the current conditions and current state orders, our fall sports events would be conducted without fans in the general seating areas of our facilities. We continue to work with the Governor’s office to discuss, and possibly be prepared for the opportunity to have spectators at our fall Penn State sporting events.”
Back to the topic, I think following the model of NCAA, which I think is a delay until Jan 2021, would be a good way to start. Too early to cancel yet. But at this point, it is not looking good.

Also I would suggest that PIAA wrestlers not be allowed to wrestle out of state (and vice versa) in any duals or tournaments.

I don't like either idea (late start, geographical limits). But safety is key, not what I like or don't like.
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Cart being put WAY ahead of the horse here.

Last question at Wolf's presser this morning, he was asked about HS sports, said he recommended none until Jan 1. No follow-up questions allowed.

PIAA has since booked an emergency mtg for this afternoon, which means Wolf went rogue on them.

What this really means is: PIAA so far has set guidelines and allowed schools to make their own decisions. Wolf doesn't like that approach, wants a centralized state-wide decision. He doesn't want to work with PIAA and doesn't want the backlash of overruling them. So he went public with a backhand swing.

PA is such a sh**show.

While this "recommendation" is off the cuff. The PIAA has not shown any inclination to go against any of the executive branch recommendations.
He made it abundantly clear that he was basing that recommendation on the overall recommendation that gatherings and crowds are to be limited until January 1. That high school sports wasn't excepted from that recommendation.

That seems reasonable to me...especially considering he was responding to a question posed to him, not announcing an official policy. But, then again, I don't think Gov. Wolf is the second coming of Mao or Stalin, so maybe I'm biased.
The guy I don’t get is McAndrew. His policies are completely off the wall and I even voted for the guy. Next he will be banning people from plotit.......

In MN, we're allowing swim/dive (indoor), girls golf (outdoor), XC (outdoor), and soccer (outdoor), but moving football (outdoor) and volleyball (indoor) to a mini season in the late winter. Spring sports will then be moved down from like May-July. Football, Volleyball, and Spring sports are allowed to "hold practices" this fall. It's all very convoluted. No word on winter.

I know how HS coaches work. Everyone is all "rah-rah" right now on Twitter so they can look like they have a positive outlook on it because they have to. There's even coaches asking for kids to come try a new "4th sport" because this might be the only chance they ever get to. Anybody seriously dedicated to a sport isn't even entertaining that idea. Coaches who run serious programs will be pulling athletes away from other opportunities for "practice", and if your school ain't gigantic, you're gonna have egos get in the way of kids competing/participating. All of sudden you're gonna have kids in a 6-week season or so, back to back (possibly to back)? Stop it. MN winters suck and there's barely a field to be seen by April, and you think we're gonna play in March or late February?

I run a club in SE MN. I've already had multiple families reach out that normally don't wrestle out of season much because we lost FS/GR last spring and they highly doubt we'll get it in this year. They want to wrestle and tournaments have proven that we can do it safely. I hypothesize that the way we check skin and cater to the whole athlete by necessity puts us at an advantage of other "clock-in, clock-out" sports, but that's just my ego.

By trying to appease everyone (which was probably their only choice, really), this idea is going to blunder, I feel. I hope for the best. Many of my club's athletes are multi-sporters and I encourage them/work around them to get a workout in when we can.

Dedicated kids will wrestle. The kids that maybe aren't "club caliber" or "club dedicated" are the ones who are going to lose out and ultimately it will widen this gap we have between the "uber-competitive" and the "just trying it and figuring it out" to the point where we continue to lose numbers that aren't cooked by head coaches trying to keep their $5000 stipend through the schools.

And none of my comment was political. I have those opinions, but I separate politics and sport because ain't no politician helping my athletes win any time soon.
STOP posting your opinions of this or that politician, how they/their administration/their respective state or country are handling COVID-19, etc. It Is Not Difficult To Do.

Thank you for posting this!! Perhaps a separate thread strictly for COVID politics, etc is warranted similar to the one on HR so that these many other threads don't get polluted with such.
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There is a whole forum for that. Granted, no sane individual would click that link, but I thought you might want to know it exists.

Me: [Reads Nerf's post. Sees link. Promptly clicks link because Nerf is reputable poster. Reads Nerf's next line saying "no sane individual would click that link." Immediately unplugs computer to avoid infection or other bad outcome reserved for the insane.]
Are other states cancelling sports? You know if they push it back to January, they are going to cancel. What is going to change? Maybe a vaccine?
No sports in CA til January too...I’m sure that’s not much of a surprise to anyone though
Dang it! I was replying to looklefts recent post...i even read yours earlier, memory is fading Quicker than I thought I guess
Looks like you picked the wrong week to quit remembering. :)

Maryland is talking about mini-seasons next year, no idea how that actually works, apparently they don't either. I coach track at the local high school, have a few kids who might have gotten some low level D1 or D2 athletic scholarship money. That is gone now with missing junior spring season, summer AAU season and as or now senior winter track. Even if we have a mini season of winter track, most of these kids will have made a college decision before it starts.

My daughter is a senior and considering track at the D2/D3 level next year, difficult to get noticed when you can't compete...would be very difficult to walk-on without having competed for 2 years. She is in technical events, not like she can just sprint 100M in a parking lot or run distance on her own. She needs access to facilities.

So far no updated guidance from the school, still cannot coach any team members per spring policy.

Really stinks for kids. One of the unintended consequences which is going to bring a lot of hard feelings down the road.
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Then prudent thing to do here is to cancel them. The same goes for CFB. We have been dealing with this since March. Everybody wants to get back to normal. It doesn’t matter what political party you belong to.

The problem is that not everybody wants to do what is necessary to get back to normal. Over 150K people have died so far from this. We know what happens when we shut down. And we know what happens when we open back up. Numbers skyrocket. Schools that have opened and had students back are seeing it right now. Look at the MLB.

This virus isn’t going anywhere. It will continue to kill people. The question is how many people will it kill in this country? 200K? A quarter of a million? That’s up to us. If we continue to act based one what we want instead of what we need then the death toll will continue until we have a quarter of a million people or more dead. Let that sync in. Quarter of a million or more and it’s entirely possible. We are seeing 1000 deaths a day right now. That’s insane. Until we have a working vaccine for this virus this is what we need.
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The question that should be asked is whether or not PIAA sports are a net positive or a net negative. It's gotta be hard to quantify the impact of responsibly-held (fan-less?) fall or winter sports. I mean, if the kids aren't practicing and participating in sports, they are doing something else somewhere else, right? And who's to say if they are being more responsible (in relation to virus prevention) where they are instead. Perhaps keeping kids at a location which has specific virus-mitigating controls in place may be a good thing. In other words, a kid practicing football is potentially just as or less likely to catch/spread a virus then a kid going to the mall or wherever kids go nowadays.

Personally, during that one season I didn't participate in a high school sport I certainly increased my social activities. I finally had some spare time. I didn't catch a virus but I did get a girlfriend for the first time. So, yeah, I guess my wife should be happy that COVID wasn't around yet or perhaps I would have caught that instead (edit: of her). :p
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Exactly! STDs don’t seem so bad when you consider that it could’ve been something worse. :)
Though I may have "caught" my wife during that non-sports season, I was certainly still far from anything that could be considered the S in STD. :p

Like explaining it to Chris' dad.
Though to be fair, explaining social distancing to my dad has been tough as well. He loves close personal human interactions. :)
Last week PIAA recommended a normal sports calendar. However, another potential scenario that was strongly considered was starting the academic sports year w Winter sports Jan/Feb, then playa Fall sports season Mar/Apr, and end w a Spring sports season May/June.
Then prudent thing to do here is to cancel them. The same goes for CFB. We have been dealing with this since March. Everybody wants to get back to normal. It doesn’t matter what political party you belong to.

The problem is that not everybody wants to do what is necessary to get back to normal. Over 150K people have died so far from this. We know what happens when we shut down. And we know what happens when we open back up. Numbers skyrocket. Schools that have opened and had students back are seeing it right now. Look at the MLB.

This virus isn’t going anywhere. It will continue to kill people. The question is how many people will it kill in this country? 200K? A quarter of a million? That’s up to us. If we continue to act based one what we want instead of what we need then the death toll will continue until we have a quarter of a million people or more dead. Let that sync in. Quarter of a million or more and it’s entirely possible. We are seeing 1000 deaths a day right now. That’s insane. Until we have a working vaccine for this virus this is what we need.
You are confusing the numbers. People are dying "with" Covid - not "from" it. BIG DIFFERENCE!!
If they're in school then they should be allowed to play. If they aren't in school then i guess not.
At this point I can't even tell if you're being serious or sarcastic. That's how bad it has gotten.
Three levels of opinions.
1. Educated
2. Informed
3. No idea what I am talking about but my opinion is as valid as those other people

He is just displaying his level of opinion.
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In MD, most school districts are opening with remote learning, all of the suburban DC-Baltimore districts . I know Frederick and Montgomery counties are at least through the first semester. I don't see how you can say it is safe for sports if the kids aren't safe in class. My daughter missed her graduation ceremony in the spring, but how much worse to possibly miss their senior season. I hope things work out so they can have some semblance of a season.
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