Watch Live: Conservative Groups Protest Against ‘Manufactured News’ Outside CNN HQ in Atlanta
22 Jul 2017
Watch live stream coverage of conservative groups Media Equality Group and Main Street Patriots protest CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta, GA on Saturday at 12:30 p.m. eastern, courtesy of Ground Floor Video.
The event press release states:
“For too long, CNN has been allowed to warp, misrepresent and outright manufacture news events out of thin air.
Real damage has been done to the targets of CNN’s misreporting, not to mention the country as a whole,” said Brian Maloney, MEP co-founder.
“We are fired up to confront CNN’s blackmail, doxxing and #CollusionDelusion head-on,” added co-founder Melanie Morgan.
“Our message to the network: No more lies, conspiracy theories, or punks with reporter pads!”