You know the story of the R. WV announced it was coming in something like November 2013. That it would be a regular production model, just like the GTI here in the states. I thought, "great! I will set aside some cash to buy in Spring or at the latest, Summer!"
Then when they did finally start showing up, there was never more than 3 on the lot at a time. Usually none. They were selling for 2 grand over sticker. Fine, I thought. I will wait until production catches up with the demand. So I sat around with the price of the car in my checking account for something like 3 + years... Arrrrrgh. Eventually I threw in the towel and bought myself a 2 series.
It is great that they have opened up the color wheel. I like the British racing green (even though it is very Sparty), but all the blues look like very slight variations of lapiz. Where is NAVY, VW?
Have fun with your new toy. No plans to upgrade the brakes?
edit: wow, you weren't kidding about the 2020. VW really did mess up the lights. I suppose there's a chance that the R will look better, but the base Golf just keeps getting more and more homely. Why don't they hire some of their Skoda and Seat designers?