Good piece by Roger L. Simon
"...And yet they, too, engage in near-constant magical thinking -- anything to explain the election of Donald Trump but the obvious reality. The simple Occam's Razor analysis of the election was and is that Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate who offered the public no reason to vote for her (other than her sex) and that Trump quite obviously did.
This could not be accepted by the media for cognitive-disorder reasons not dissimilar to those held by Russians over many unfortunate decades. What is disliked, even abhorred, must be explained away at all costs, magically if necessary. Thus you have a clinging to the "Russian collusion" theory by our media way beyond the bounds of rationality. It must be, even if it isn't. This week they think they have found the key in Donald Trump, Jr. Next week it will be something else. None of it, in the final analysis, has anything to do with actual collusion....
The fixation of our media on Russia is a form of projection that borders on the psychotic. Only a few short years ago, the Obama administration and the Democratic Party were far softer on Russia than Trump et al. ever were or are. Has the media had a collective lobotomy or do they deliberately erase this recent history in the grand Stalinist tradition?
This is more than mere hypocrisy and closer to the magical thinking engaged in by the Russians. Our media and the Democratic Party actually appear to believe their own lies. It is so, if you think so, as the great Italian playwright Luigi Pirandello once said.
As in the Soviet Union, the truth is dying in America. It's up to us to save it.
"...And yet they, too, engage in near-constant magical thinking -- anything to explain the election of Donald Trump but the obvious reality. The simple Occam's Razor analysis of the election was and is that Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate who offered the public no reason to vote for her (other than her sex) and that Trump quite obviously did.
This could not be accepted by the media for cognitive-disorder reasons not dissimilar to those held by Russians over many unfortunate decades. What is disliked, even abhorred, must be explained away at all costs, magically if necessary. Thus you have a clinging to the "Russian collusion" theory by our media way beyond the bounds of rationality. It must be, even if it isn't. This week they think they have found the key in Donald Trump, Jr. Next week it will be something else. None of it, in the final analysis, has anything to do with actual collusion....
The fixation of our media on Russia is a form of projection that borders on the psychotic. Only a few short years ago, the Obama administration and the Democratic Party were far softer on Russia than Trump et al. ever were or are. Has the media had a collective lobotomy or do they deliberately erase this recent history in the grand Stalinist tradition?
This is more than mere hypocrisy and closer to the magical thinking engaged in by the Russians. Our media and the Democratic Party actually appear to believe their own lies. It is so, if you think so, as the great Italian playwright Luigi Pirandello once said.
As in the Soviet Union, the truth is dying in America. It's up to us to save it.