If a match is tied at the end of regulation there is a one minute sudden death period. If there is still a tie the referee decides the winner, just like the old days.
That is a HORRIBLE idea.
If a match is tied at the end of regulation there is a one minute sudden death period. If there is still a tie the referee decides the winner, just like the old days.
If I compiled correctly, we have...
- A 3-point takedown (leave a reversal at 2) - Elimination of the tie-breaker period. Let the wrestlers settle a match on their feet with a series of sudden victory 2-minute periods. - I like the 1pt pushout. - i could live with a 3-point takedown. - I like the shot clock concept and would trade that for the riding time point and wouldn’t see both
- They need to come up with an effective deterrent, for coaches who abuse the challenge rules, for a lunger break.
- If the challenge is unsuccessful, it counts as a stall warning against the coach's wrestler.
- Get rid of riding time.
- I've voiced this opinion before but you’re paying second official why not let him make a few calls.
- Eliminate riding time - Start all 3 periods neutral - Eliminate escape point from an optional advantage start-just start on feet with word from wrestler in advantage position, with no point awarded. - Two minute sudden victory period. - Choice in UTB goes to person with LAST point in regulation.
- Back Exposure is automatic 2 pts
- If a match is tied at the end of regulation there is a one minute sudden death period. If there is still a tie the referee decides the winner, just like the old days.
- I too would like to eliminate sudden victory. Not sure I agree on a 3 pt TD. To me, the purpose of rule changes should be to promote offense, and not attempt to make it appear that bouts are more offensive by giving more points out for each move. jmho. - I would like to see them add another circle between the center and outer edge, and any wrestler caught in there for a five count gets an auto stall warning. Similar to being in the paint in basketball for a five count.
- Award a point for each minute of riding time. - Would like to see two points awarded for a failed challenge. Make the penalty meaningful for stopping
- Choice in UTB goes to person with LAST point in regulation.
- Kill the stall ride period -- or at the very least make it long enough that bottom likely will escape, so top has an incentive to score.
- I do like the 3 point TD but think there should be a 3 point Reversal as well. The idea should't be so much to reward TDs as water down Escapes, which should be worth less than 50% of a TD. Pulling Reversals up along with TDs accomplishes that. - Concerning riding time -- I'd like to see the point be awarded as soon as the one minute of riding time has been earned. The RT clock would then be reset to 0:00.
I was confused by some of the suggestions, so only clarifying the terminology here;
Sudden Victory (SV) is ONLY the 1 minute period, used when the match is tied, and can be 1-minute long, both wrestlers start neutral. If still tied, Tie-Breaker (TB) is ONLY the two 30-second periods when each wrestler normally gets a shot at top (offensive) and bottom (defensive) positions.
Still tied, and it's another SV, followed by TB, if needed...
If you eliminate riding time, then the sport will change a bit as focus will be on TDs. Riding is an art and skill, regardless if it appears (or can be) stalling.
They need to come up with an effective deterrent, for coaches who abuse the challenge rules, for a lunger break.
I like the first two. Especially if to get a team point, you have to score an offensive point. Escapes don't count! Count the reversal, though.
Point for a failed challenge is good, too. Don't like the pushout much, even in free. JMO