Its okay--it gave me the opportunity to point out what a jackass you are, so I probably would have done it anyway.Sorry, I offended your delicate sensibilities!
Its okay--it gave me the opportunity to point out what a jackass you are, so I probably would have done it anyway.Sorry, I offended your delicate sensibilities!
It's your as you like. I'm sure any PR firm worth a damn would give the same advice as me at this point.
That was a year and a half ago. I think at the time it was still a very hot topic. Now, other than the occassional barbs levied by late night comedians...this story is now old news. Obviously, we can agree to disagree on this.
Believe me, I prefer the truth as well. I'm just not sure that is true. Just like some guys are better off not knowing their wife slept once with another guy.
You'd really just brush the truth under the rug? Let that sink in before you respondH
Honestly, I know very little about the events that happened in State College. However, I do know time heals all wounds and it is beginning to heal this one. The more the John Zeigler types keep pushing it back in the public eye...I think it hurts the healing. My biggest fear would be a Charlton Heston "Planet of the Apes" scenario. I just think at this's best to let this story die.
you win, dude. I don't even know how to respond to that post.![]()
Sorry, I have seen it happen. I know a guy whose wife cheated on him. Someone told him...he blew his marriage up. He then went around unhappy for 5 years only to get remarried to the same girl and they are both happy. Sometimes people make errors. I think in their would had been best for him to never know. Just my opinion.
In a word, NONo, I do not. What I am asking is...Would it be better for Penn State's reputation to drop a search for truth...that it most likely will never find?
No, I do not. What I am asking is...Would it be better for Penn State's reputation to drop a search for truth...that it most likely will never find?
Curious where the evidence of that is. Pretty serious and really makes no sense for her to do as these things do not go aways. Are you sure she just did this on her own or somebody (Spanier) told her not to. Why would she withhold documents that did not indicate her in the crime?For many months she made no effort to respond to subpoenas that she accepted from the Attorney General on Penn State's behalf. In fact, she apparently did not even tell administrators that the OAG had served subpoenas. This was probably the basis of the deal that she cut in Spring 2012 with the OAG to avoid prosecution herself.
Your question contains an assumption that is incorrect.
No, no I won'tWell let me know when you have found the definitive truth! I believe you will be stonewalled for quite some time.
What makes you think I've been stonewalled?3.5 years and counting?
and it's a lot longer than 3.5 years, but who's counting anyway3.5 years and counting?
I'm not. You know very little about this issue, don't underestimate the resolve.I was going back to the release of the Freeh Report.
You have asked some awesome questions. The thing about all these questions is that the benefit of more than 3 1/2 years hindsight will in my opinion make it impossible to fairly answer them. The Chaos of the moment is the only true way to discern what posters would or would not have done. The firestorm was like nothing I had ever seen in my life. In retrospect it looks like some mistakes were made but they also were writing the book on this kind of scandal. It all was coming fast and furious for the first time at this kind of level with no template to go to hoping to find out how another University handled something like this in the past. You ask some great questions but I am not sure they can be fairly answered 3 1/2 years later.I have followed this scandal for a number of years and I have wanted to ask some of the Penn State faithful in a more complete format what they think the BOT should have done regarding the Sandusky scandal.
Now I know some of what you think (not signing the consent decree) but I was interested in a comprehensive list starting with the first decision that the BOT made to today. I did read a link some time back written by one of your own about how PSU lost the PR battle but I think it kind of stopped (the story) right after the scandal broke IIRC.
Here are some questions I am interested in knowing your opinion on. Also, I would like to know what you think the outcome or reaction from the state, NCAA, media etc. would have been had the BOT done things differently.
I am genuinely interested in your opinions and am not trolling. As I said this whole affair is pretty fascinating to me but I know it has been painful to you.
Here are some preliminary questions (please try to base your answers on what was known at the time):
Should the BOT have fired/forced out Spanier? I presume if he had been indicted later of course he would have stepped down.
Who should have taken his place in the interim?
Should the press conference with Joe have been held that November?
Should he have answered any and all questions?
Do you think he would have handled it well?
What should the BOT have done with Joe?
Should they have asked him to resign?
Should they have suspended him?
Should he have been allowed to continue to coach thru the bowl game and then retire?
Should the BOT have commissioned a review like what Freeh did or just let the justice system play out.
Who should have been the ones to do that review (if done)and what should their marching orders have been?
How should PSU have answered the NCAA letter?
Bugger off or we'll get back to you or what?
If bugger off what do you think the NCAA would have done?
If PSU had adopted the "fight back/exoneration" strategy how well do you think that would have gone and how would that have been orchestrated?
Curious as to your answers.
You are talking about the Freeh report.? Did somebody on the BOT make statements like that?Another thing they should not have done was blame the alums, the town, the county, the students, and the popcorn selling kid in the stands as being responsible as some sort of cultural problem. This was the worst and most egregious bunch of horseshit that was foisted on the Penn State public. It doesn't matter now, the damage is done. That's the story that was told. Collective guilt. Masser still wants you to wear it. Dambly, Frazier and Eckel want you to wear it. They are laughing at us.
If what you say is true about BOT members thinking something might have been up with Sandusky as far back as the 90's would it not be reasonable to surmise that people on the football end and for that matter the administration had to have that same knowledge? That would not be good.Sorry pal. A former trustee said, on television, that in the 90s it was a joke among BoT members that you did not want your kids around JS. For you to come here after all this time and tell us with a straight face that you never heard this or saw the interview means that you have never been serious in all this time. I am done with you chief.
Syracuse situation came after Penn St. They had a template and the scope certainly seemed much more limited. I don't think there was a perception that Syracuse knew about him possibly having a problem. Fine never had a trial either.but going back to your original post, consider what Syracuse did with the Bernie Fine allegations, and why they are not considered "Pedo U" in the same breath as Penn State by the media.
Syracuse situation came after Penn St. They had a template and the scope certainly seemed much more limited. I don't think there was a perception that Syracuse knew about him possibly having a problem. Fine never had a trial either.
Great. Gotcha' Thanks for stopping by. See ya'.H
Honestly, I know very little about the events that happened in State College. However, I do know time heals all wounds and it is beginning to heal this one. The more the John Zeigler types keep pushing it back in the public eye...I think it hurts the healing. My biggest fear would be a Charlton Heston "Planet of the Apes" scenario. I just think at this's best to let this story die.
What was the final outcome in that case. Did they not have enough evidence or what? I can't remember. Is he facing any kind of civil suit?yeah funny how that all worked out for them
What people wanted blood? "People" as in society or societal pressure?Suspend all parties possibly involved and let the judicial system sort things out. It wasn't that hard to figure out what to do, but people wanted blood and they buckled.
How would you have handled the situation with Joe? Would he be leading the team out of the tunnel against Nebraska in your scenerio?They should have gotten medication for that restless 'knee jerk' issue they immediately developed.
Seriously? 'Bugger off"
The Board of Trustees, reported to be a Board of Trustees, should have acted somewhat like a board of trustees. Perhaps they should have mustered up a modicum of poise and genuine responsibility toward things like due process, guardianship of the universities reputation, their fiduciary responsibility to the University as well as the State and acted with respect toward the facts at hand. In short, as the leaders sitting in the position where the buck stopped, anything but panic and a round display of weakness would have sufficed on their part.
1. Arrange to manage the Paterno interview.
2. Suspend Spanier and Curly pending the outcome of their trials.
3. Answered the NCAA letter with a strong letter admonishing Emmert and Co. fo crossing the line. Stating to them that there was no room in the NCAAs bi-laws and charter for "Witch Hunts" and that PSU would not grant those rights to the NCAA by acquiescing to institutional hysteria.
4. Hired someone that could actually speak to be the spokesman for the University.
5. Given that criminal charges limited any investigative approach beyond any usefulness, the BOT should have acknowledged this fact publicly and handed the process over to the criminal courts with their subpoena power and supported the process by simply ordering a lock down and offsite back up of all records to aid and secure due process (announcing this action publicly).
In short... poise and leadership were the order of the day..... not hysteria ..... and/or pandering to hysteria.
It all is. None of the answers here are in real time. When the bullets are coming fast and furious it changes everything. There was plenty of duress during the start of this thing and confusion was rampant.I'm no BOT apologist, but there is a lot of Monday Morning Quarterbacking ITT.
Hind sight is 20/20.
Maybe not for yoThis is not a PR issue--but even if it were, there have been lots of PR losers paid tons of money here, and they cannot fix this. Only the truth will fix it. BTW, thanks for presuming to give me permission to do what I told you I was going to do even before you said it. You are a classy guy.
Explain #1 to me if you will? Don't quite see what you are a saying.What should the BOT have done? Simple: they should have, and were obligated to act prudently.
There is another question, though: what should the BOT not have done? What would a reasonably prudent BOT member not have done under the circumstances. Here are a few suggestions:
1. They should have resigned when the scandal hit, and it became apparent that none of them had been doing their jobs for the last decade or more.
2. They should have hired competent counsel and advisers immediately.
3. They should not have allowed the NCAA unfettered access to and influence over the "independent" investigation. They should not have allowed the investigation to be more transparent to the NCAA than it was to the actual BOT.
4. They should not have allowed the investigator to grandstand and release the report to the public, to the great damage of the institution, without having first read it and asked follow-up questions. The investigator should not have been given carte blanche to go off script in a way that damaged the university.
5. They should not have allowed a small faction of the board to "run" the entire crisis without full transparency to the rest of the board.
IIRC Fine was never charged. Plus it was alleged that his wife (the one ESPN had a tape of) was having a relationship with the supposed victim she was talking about on the tape.What was the final outcome in that case. Did they not have enough evidence or what? I can't remember. Is he facing any kind of civil suit?
I read that guy's article and listened to him. He said he initially agreed with Freeh being hired but felt he should have submitted the report to the BOT first and not had the press conference. However, I remember vividly on this board then (yeah I was lurking) that many posters did not want the report to go to the BOT as they didn't trust the BOT and thought they might edit stuff out so Freeh was just given a free hand to release it.
You might be right. I'm glad I did not have to make those calls. I read another article that said PSU had basically two choices; exoneration (fight back) or contrition (say we are sorry and do penance). Maybe that is too simplistic but the article went on to say the PSU did right by not seeking exoneration and are in better shape today than if they had fought. Don't know. It was pretty bad for PSU so I don't know if it would have been worse for PSU had they fought.You have asked some awesome questions. The thing about all these questions is that the benefit of more than 3 1/2 years hindsight will in my opinion make it impossible to fairly answer them. The Chaos of the moment is the only true way to discern what posters would or would not have done. The firestorm was like nothing I had ever seen in my life. In retrospect it looks like some mistakes were made but they also were writing the book on this kind of scandal. It all was coming fast and furious for the first time at this kind of level with no template to go to hoping to find out how another University handled something like this in the past. You ask some great questions but I am not sure they can be fairly answered 3 1/2 years later.
I have followed this scandal for a number of years and I have wanted to ask some of the Penn State faithful in a more complete format what they think the BOT should have done regarding the Sandusky scandal.
Now I know some of what you think (not signing the consent decree) but I was interested in a comprehensive list starting with the first decision that the BOT made to today. I did read a link some time back written by one of your own about how PSU lost the PR battle but I think it kind of stopped (the story) right after the scandal broke IIRC.
Here are some questions I am interested in knowing your opinion on. Also, I would like to know what you think the outcome or reaction from the state, NCAA, media etc. would have been had the BOT done things differently.
I am genuinely interested in your opinions and am not trolling. As I said this whole affair is pretty fascinating to me but I know it has been painful to you.
Here are some preliminary questions (please try to base your answers on what was known at the time):
Should the BOT have fired/forced out Spanier? I presume if he had been indicted later of course he would have stepped down.
Who should have taken his place in the interim?
Should the press conference with Joe have been held that November?
Should he have answered any and all questions?
Do you think he would have handled it well?
What should the BOT have done with Joe?
Should they have asked him to resign?
Should they have suspended him?
Should he have been allowed to continue to coach thru the bowl game and then retire?
Should the BOT have commissioned a review like what Freeh did or just let the justice system play out.
Who should have been the ones to do that review (if done)and what should their marching orders have been?
How should PSU have answered the NCAA letter?
Bugger off or we'll get back to you or what?
If bugger off what do you think the NCAA would have done?
If PSU had adopted the "fight back/exoneration" strategy how well do you think that would have gone and how would that have been orchestrated?
Curious as to your answers.
I read that guy's article and listened to him. He said he initially agreed with Freeh being hired but felt he should have submitted the report to the BOT first and not had the press conference. However, I remember vividly on this board then (yeah I was lurking) that many posters did not want the report to go to the BOT as they didn't trust the BOT and thought they might edit stuff out so Freeh was just given a free hand to release it.
You might be right. I'm glad I did not have to make those calls. I read another article that said PSU had basically two choices; exoneration (fight back) or contrition (say we are sorry and do penance). Maybe that is too simplistic but the article went on to say the PSU did right by not seeking exoneration and are in better shape today than if they had fought. Don't know. It was pretty bad for PSU so I don't know if it would have been worse for PSU had they fought.