What will you be for Halloween? *

If anything at all.

Every year I go as a college football player. Last year was 'Roll Tide' and this year is 'Geaux Tigers'.
The other day I jokingly told someone that I was going to go as Fârnhäan. I had no intention of doing so, but the more I think about it the more it cracks me up. We'll see.

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One of my costumes as a 7 or 8 year old back in the late '60's actually was a pack of L &M cigarettes. We had a box that was the perfect size and my older brother did the art work copying the design from a pack of my mom's cigarettes. I remember all of the adults getting a hoot out of it when they opened the door and saw me standing there.
One of my costumes as a 7 or 8 year old back in the late '60's actually was a pack of L &M cigarettes. We had a box that was the perfect size and my older brother did the art work copying the design from a pack of my mom's cigarettes. I remember all of the adults getting a hoot out of it when they opened the door and saw me standing there.
I hate to say it but I think I did that once as well back in the 60's - man have times changed - I guess you could go as a Vape Pen today.
My senior year of high school I dressed as a bottle of Lowenbrau beer (do they still make that?) for senior dress-up day. No way they would allow that in my kids high school today. I think I won Most Original costume at the halloween dance that night!
“I was kinda surprised they turned things around,” Winovich said of Penn State’s rebound in 2016. “During the game, I don’t think we had the highest regard for them. They were able to turn it around, so my hat’s off to them. They had a great season after that point. I know they’re going to be coming at us with everything they’ve got. I’m sure they were embarrassed in their own way. No one likes to lose by that much, especially because they’re a prideful team like we are.”