I'll start with the positive and say that it was a positive for Kerk since it got him another look at Cassioppi and became the turning point in their rivalry. The problems come up with Brooks and Starocci and what wrestling in the Black Knight Open would have meant for them. If Brooks had skipped the Keckheisen match it would have given him the extra matches needed to get him the #1 seed, I know he won anyway and it was fun to see him dominate the top two guys at his weight he could have given himself an easier road to the final. IMO the real victim is Starocci though because it will likely cost him the Hodge. He could have picked some easy pins/bonus victories like Parris got at the Michigan State Open where he scored two majors and three pins against easy competition. With the criteria being changed this year and them taking out the past performance part of it it's like they're bending over backwards not to give it to another PSU kid. I think any other year if the choice came down to a 3x champ with a higher bonus rate he'd win the Hodge but it seems like none of that is as impressive as pinning Daniel Bucknavich, Ryder Wiese and Nick West.