Whatever this McElroy guy's degree is in.......


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
assuming it is something other than "blathering on during college football games".......he ought to pursue a career in that field

My God, for a bright, educated young man - - - - he is BRUTAL to listen too
"Make your ears bleed" inane
And the Golics....both daddy and son....were not any better. JR. was particularly horrible.
Since McElroy went to Bama, I saw this while at LSU, "You know you went to Alabama when there are more A's on your truck than on your transcript."
He was awful during the whole who should make the playoffs discussion. Terrible.

He was brutal during those discussions and his anti-PSU bias was way over the top. During one of his anti-PSU commentaries, he voiced his opinion that "nobody that gets beat by 39 point deserves to be in the playoff no matter what" and then he spends the next 5 minutes yapping about how USC was the best team in CFP (behind Bama of course) and deserved the 4th spot - completing ignoring the fact that USC got beat by nearly 50 points in their opening game.

Another time, I heard him explaining how the loser of the OSU-UM game would be picked by the Rose Bowl committee over the winner of the Big 10 championship game (either PSU or Wisconsin) to play against USC - - completely oblivious to the fact that the Rose Bowl was contractually obligated to take the winner of both the Big 10 and Pac 12 (unless the winner was in the CFP). I mean how can someone who gets paid to host a radio talk show about college football be so ignorant of the facts involving bowl selection criteria.

He was by far the worst of the anti-PSU crusaders I heard during the month of Nov.
He was brutal during those discussions and his anti-PSU bias was way over the top. During one of his anti-PSU commentaries, he voiced his opinion that "nobody that gets beat by 39 point deserves to be in the playoff no matter what" and then he spends the next 5 minutes yapping about how USC was the best team in CFP (behind Bama of course) and deserved the 4th spot - completing ignoring the fact that USC got beat by nearly 50 points in their opening game.

Another time, I heard him explaining how the loser of the OSU-UM game would be picked by the Rose Bowl committee over the winner of the Big 10 championship game (either PSU or Wisconsin) to play against USC - - completely oblivious to the fact that the Rose Bowl was contractually obligated to take the winner of both the Big 10 and Pac 12 (unless the winner was in the CFP). I mean how can someone who gets paid to host a radio talk show about college football be so ignorant of the facts involving bowl selection criteria.

He was by far the worst of the anti-PSU crusaders I heard during the month of Nov.
Makes sense.

I had never heard from him before, that I can recall (I make it a point to NOT listen any of that "pretend" playoff crappola)

But based on his jibberish last night, that would seem to be just what one would expect from him.
I heard the commentary about losing by 39 and had my finger on my call button to explode all over him. I held back because I do not call those shows.