Thankfully there are not downvotes on this site.
A "professional?" You city/suburban folk are cracking me up. I can just picture you paying $800 to eliminate an animal with an IQ of 20 and thinking you won. Tick control for the greater good of mankind? LOL.
What you have here is a problem requiring a redneck solution. You must abandon your Barron civility and embrace savagery. This intrusion shan't stand. This is war. You are rage.
If you apply the product that I recommended in an adequate quantity, whether it's a raccoon, possum, grizzly, T-rex, or whatever, it will die. What's more, that product makes them thirsty. They will be seeking out water when they die, which tends to make them wander. If it meanders off and you never see it again, that's a win. It died. Problem solved.
In the highly unlikely event that a neighbor's purebred puggle or yorkie ventures over and offs itself out of stupidity, that's not your fault; this is natural selection. Frankly, I'd make sure to keep an eye on things. If I found a pet corpse on my property, I'd either bag it and pitch it in the trash (after considering the relevant environmental factors and potential associated aroma) or deposit it gently aside the highway at 72.5 mph (giving it back to nature/dust to dust, whatever, the ditch mower will take care of it, I promise). Proceed to never discuss the matter again.
That is the passive solution. A more creative and climactic solution would involve a rifle, some bait, a spotlight, and some tannerite. You are really only limited by the limits of your own ethics. The important thing is that you accomplish your mission. Do not be deterred. Be a hero. Think of the children.
I kid, kind of.