What's the best, least obvious, way to kill a possum residing between two fences?

My new Highland Park neighbor just finished fabricating a McMansion of epic proportions (he has zero back yard, but I digress) and apparently he didn't like that the slats on my fence didn't face his yard, so he instructs his landscapers to erect a new fence on his property a mere 2' away from my fence.

So a possum decides that an area 2' x 75' would be a great place to "call home". The little nocturnal SOB is now attempting to chew up my roof vents and is deficating all over my backyard.

How do I best "exterminate" this POS (not my neighbor) without anyone knowing?

Call a Kentucky fan. Yum.
I still say the live trap....if you get busted you tell everyone you are going to release it. If not, you can dispatch it quickly with one shot from an air rifle or 22.

One side note, even live traps aren't allowed in all municipalities. My neighbor happened to find this out the hard way and got fined.
Call a Kentucky fan. Yum.
These fellas would know what to do
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I've thought of the live trap, but I have no place to release it. If I caught it, could I stick possum and trap into a garbage can full of water and "other things" and drown it? Is that illegal?

I'm looking for a "less messy, lower effort, legal" method where the little SOB just kinda "goes away"

You can legally exterminate a pest that is causing damage to your property, but it is illegal to relocate them without permission of the property owner where release is to occur. Cage it, cover the cage with a tarp and vent car exhaust under the tarp. Painless execution.
In the highly unlikely event that a neighbor's purebred puggle or yorkie ventures over and offs itself out of stupidity, that's not your fault; this is natural selection. Frankly, I'd make sure to keep an eye on things. If I found a pet corpse on my property, I'd either bag it and pitch it in the trash (after considering the relevant environmental factors and potential associated aroma) or deposit it gently aside the highway at 72.5 mph (giving it back to nature/dust to dust, whatever, the ditch mower will take care of it, I promise). Proceed to never discuss the matter again.
If you, even accidentally, killed my dog and did either of these suggestions with his corpse... and I found out... so help me God.

That's disgusting to even consider
Was gonna suggest the Bill Murry method of gopher control but someone beat me to it.

Put bleach, chlorine, or moth balls between fence and it should move on. Like some else said, doubtful if possum is up on your roof. Probably raccoons or flying squirrels which are nocturnal. Check in your attic as they may be nesting there, which can be really messy. If so, live trap them in the attic.

Funny story; had a bro in law that had large bird feeders that were constantly attacked by raccoons at his house in the country. He bought a live trap and over one year trapped some 20 raccoons. (He lived near a large creek where raccoons traveled) He took them 25 miles away and released them.

At the end of the year, a friend of mine in town called and said he had raccoon damage he wanted me to repair. Said he had trapped them out of his attic and gotten rid of them. I asked what he did with them and he said he released them along a creek on his way to work.......1/2 mile from my Bro-in-law's house.LOL He didn't see the humor of it when I told him.

Moral of story is if you release them any where near homes, you are transplanting the problem to someone else. I suggest you release them in your boss's back yard.
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Can you simply contact your local (county?) Public Health office? Tell them that the animal represents a health hazard (it probably does). They usually have an animal control unit whose job it is to take care of such things. Sure you miss out on the fun described in the other posts but, you paid for it so you might as well use it.
I know your neighbor is ticked with you but you should contact him and ask if he has damage to his house caused by the rodent. If he has, maybe you both can come up with a solution. It would make it much easier.
My new Highland Park neighbor just finished fabricating a McMansion of epic proportions (he has zero back yard, but I digress) and apparently he didn't like that the slats on my fence didn't face his yard, so he instructs his landscapers to erect a new fence on his property a mere 2' away from my fence.

So a possum decides that an area 2' x 75' would be a great place to "call home". The little nocturnal SOB is now attempting to chew up my roof vents and is deficating all over my backyard.

How do I best "exterminate" this POS (not my neighbor) without anyone knowing?

Go rent an Anaconda or Boa Constrictor!
I live on a farm and have way more experience dealing with possums than I would like, as well as groundhogs, raccoons, foxes and the occasional beaver.

ABSOLUTELY do not use poison - the results are way too unpredictable and someone's cat might eat it instead. Also, when critters get sickened by poison they generally crawl into the most secluded place they can find. They proceed to die and decompose which may result in a bigger problem than your current situation.

For possums I've had the best luck with Havahearts or similar foot-trigger actuated live traps. You can definitely find one that is big enough for possums and will fit in that space. I use cantaloupe or wet cat food (preferably with some type of smelly fish) as bait. There's still the issue of what to do with the trapped critter. I dispatch 'em with a .22 to the head using subsonic ammo so as not to bother the neighbors. If this is not an option, I recommend contacting a local wildlife refuge or the state/local game commission.
My new Highland Park neighbor just finished fabricating a McMansion of epic proportions (he has zero back yard, but I digress) and apparently he didn't like that the slats on my fence didn't face his yard, so he instructs his landscapers to erect a new fence on his property a mere 2' away from my fence.

So a possum decides that an area 2' x 75' would be a great place to "call home". The little nocturnal SOB is now attempting to chew up my roof vents and is deficating all over my backyard.

How do I best "exterminate" this POS (not my neighbor) without anyone knowing?

Well, they are very hard headed...but a 12 gauge shotgun blast should still do the job.
Oh, i'm sorry...before you do that you'll need to create a safe space for any crybabies you encounter.
I know your neighbor is ticked with you but you should contact him and ask if he has damage to his house caused by the rodent. If he has, maybe you both can come up with a solution. It would make it much easier.
I've attempted to be neighborly, but he's a Senior Administrator at SMU and thinks he's God's Gift to Higher Education (and thus the neighborhood). He hired a really crappy builder and wouldn't know rodent damage from poor workmanship.

I'm going to start with the safest method (moth balls) and monitor the situation to see if the thing migrates to someone else's yard. If that doesn't work, I'll go buy a trap.
PPB you're in Dallas. At first I thought Highland Park in Pittsburgh. If you shot the bastard inside city limits here, the mayor would have you in County and you'd be on the front page of the P-G.

HIghland Park, Texas? Suburban Dallas? Shoot it and be done with it.

Short of that? Live trap. Bait with stinky stuff like fish cat food. If it is something desirable, you let it out, otherwise fill a garbage can with water and drown it. No fuss no muss.

I never heard of mothballs or bleach. Try those first. Might work.
I've thought of the live trap, but I have no place to release it. If I caught it, could I stick possum and trap into a garbage can full of water and "other things" and drown it? Is that illegal?

I'm looking for a "less messy, lower effort, legal" method where the little SOB just kinda "goes away"

Really? No place to release it? It's a large planet. As for smelling up the car - you don't have a friend with a pick-up? Maybe I've been living in the sticks too long and I've lost my perspective on urban / suburban life.
I thought of that, but that would cause me bigger problems. Firing a shotgun in these premises would cause the police to show up in minutes.

I need a "quiet, but effective" killer. As of now, I'm leaning towards psuro's "rat poison" idea. The thing can decompose on its own.

A 22 is not a shot gun and makes very little noise. More like a crack, than a shot....
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Thankfully there are not downvotes on this site.

A "professional?" You city/suburban folk are cracking me up. I can just picture you paying $800 to eliminate an animal with an IQ of 20 and thinking you won. Tick control for the greater good of mankind? LOL.

What you have here is a problem requiring a redneck solution. You must abandon your Barron civility and embrace savagery. This intrusion shan't stand. This is war. You are rage.

If you apply the product that I recommended in an adequate quantity, whether it's a raccoon, possum, grizzly, T-rex, or whatever, it will die. What's more, that product makes them thirsty. They will be seeking out water when they die, which tends to make them wander. If it meanders off and you never see it again, that's a win. It died. Problem solved.

In the highly unlikely event that a neighbor's purebred puggle or yorkie ventures over and offs itself out of stupidity, that's not your fault; this is natural selection. Frankly, I'd make sure to keep an eye on things. If I found a pet corpse on my property, I'd either bag it and pitch it in the trash (after considering the relevant environmental factors and potential associated aroma) or deposit it gently aside the highway at 72.5 mph (giving it back to nature/dust to dust, whatever, the ditch mower will take care of it, I promise). Proceed to never discuss the matter again.

That is the passive solution. A more creative and climactic solution would involve a rifle, some bait, a spotlight, and some tannerite. You are really only limited by the limits of your own ethics. The important thing is that you accomplish your mission. Do not be deterred. Be a hero. Think of the children.

I kid, kind of.


I had a struggle with a skunk that took up residence underneath my ground level deck. What worked, to get rid of it, was to sprinkle "Critter Ridder" around its entrance. Your situation is a little different in that it has access to 75 feet to build a new burrow, but may be worth a try. CR is available at Home Depot.
I've attempted to be neighborly, but he's a Senior Administrator at SMU and thinks he's God's Gift to Higher Education (and thus the neighborhood). He hired a really crappy builder and wouldn't know rodent damage from poor workmanship.

I'm going to start with the safest method (moth balls) and monitor the situation to see if the thing migrates to someone else's yard. If that doesn't work, I'll go buy a trap.
Maybe a trap is the best way for now. In the meantime you can ask him what his favorite 30-for-30 episode is...
I've attempted to be neighborly, but he's a Senior Administrator at SMU and thinks he's God's Gift to Higher Education (and thus the neighborhood). He hired a really crappy builder and wouldn't know rodent damage from poor workmanship.

I'm going to start with the safest method (moth balls) and monitor the situation to see if the thing migrates to someone else's yard. If that doesn't work, I'll go buy a trap.

You can always use the, "that critter needed killing defense" where you're at.
You can always use the, "that critter needed killing defense" where you're at.
With the benefit of additional pondering, I've decided to take down my fence (pickets and rails only). As long as there are two fences, there's going to be a "safe area" for some pest to call home. Plus I will gain 150 sq ft of non-legal backyard. If I don't like the look of my neighbor's rails, I'll just plant some creeping vines.

Now I need to figure out what I want to do with the posts. Oversized tomato plant stakes?

I sincerely appreciate everyone's suggestions. Very entertaining.
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My new Highland Park neighbor just finished fabricating a McMansion of epic proportions (he has zero back yard, but I digress) and apparently he didn't like that the slats on my fence didn't face his yard, so he instructs his landscapers to erect a new fence on his property a mere 2' away from my fence.

So a possum decides that an area 2' x 75' would be a great place to "call home". The little nocturnal SOB is now attempting to chew up my roof vents and is deficating all over my backyard.

How do I best "exterminate" this POS (not my neighbor) without anyone knowing?
Trap it - put it and the trap in a garbage bag, put a hole at the end of bag and attach to car exhaust - it will fall asleep for good.
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With the benefit of additional pondering, I've decided to take down my fence (pickets and rails only). As long as there are two fences, there's going to be a "safe area" for some pest to call home. Plus I will gain 150 sq ft of non-legal backyard. If I don't like the look of my neighbor's rails, I'll just plant some creeping vines.

Now I need to figure out what I want to do with the posts. Oversized tomato plant stakes?

I sincerely appreciate everyone's suggestions. Very entertaining.

At the end of the day you've moved forward, broken through the clutter, and shifted your paradigm with some higher order thinking and a new and disruptive innovation that is a clear goal. Very empowering.

The best part? You'll be able to be "that guy" constantly complaining to him in a nice passive aggressive manner when he doesn't weed whack his side of the fence, because the last thing you want to do is be responsible for leaving marks from the weed whacker on his fence.
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Thankfully there are not downvotes on this site.

A "professional?" You city/suburban folk are cracking me up. I can just picture you paying $800 to eliminate an animal with an IQ of 20 and thinking you won. Tick control for the greater good of mankind? LOL.

What you have here is a problem requiring a redneck solution. You must abandon your Barron civility and embrace savagery. This intrusion shan't stand. This is war. You are rage.

If you apply the product that I recommended in an adequate quantity, whether it's a raccoon, possum, grizzly, T-rex, or whatever, it will die. What's more, that product makes them thirsty. They will be seeking out water when they die, which tends to make them wander. If it meanders off and you never see it again, that's a win. It died. Problem solved.

In the highly unlikely event that a neighbor's purebred puggle or yorkie ventures over and offs itself out of stupidity, that's not your fault; this is natural selection. Frankly, I'd make sure to keep an eye on things. If I found a pet corpse on my property, I'd either bag it and pitch it in the trash (after considering the relevant environmental factors and potential associated aroma) or deposit it gently aside the highway at 72.5 mph (giving it back to nature/dust to dust, whatever, the ditch mower will take care of it, I promise). Proceed to never discuss the matter again.

That is the passive solution. A more creative and climactic solution would involve a rifle, some bait, a spotlight, and some tannerite. You are really only limited by the limits of your own ethics. The important thing is that you accomplish your mission. Do not be deterred. Be a hero. Think of the children.

I kid, kind of.

Post of the year

sounds like you are giving up. for $200 bucks plus gas for my 85 AMC Eagle wagon, I will bring down the saltiest, grumpiest, hunting dog in the North East down to Texas. Guaranteed results within 12 hours. Kids and women probably should not be around when the dog hits the grease pig. We'll throw in a freebie if your neighbor has a cat.