I'm glad its working out for you and I hope it always will, but this is how I look at my situation.
My wife nearly always went to the games with me, and when our kids were 4 or 5, we started taking them along. We had 4 seats, and if the kids became bored, or cold, or tired (as they often did), she left the game and took them to the HUB where we met after the game. She was a fan because I was a fan, but looking back, I know she would have preferred that we do other things. Instead of buying season tickets, I should have selected a game or two and been satisfied with that. In the early years we did not have a lot of money, and the costs of my football passion were more than we could afford, so she sacrificed in other areas to make up the difference. For years we never took a vacation because we could not afford both a trip and Penn State season tickets. I always told her "Penn State football is like vacation spread over 6 weekends" and she accepted that and never complained, but it was extremely selfish on my part and I deeply regret it. As I mentioned in another post, perhaps you and others can manage your Penn State passion better than I did. I took it to an extreme, not just regarding the money, but with regard to all the time spent. I didn't just follow our games then. If Texas was playing Texas A&M, I felt I had to watch the game because an A&M loss might move us up from 15th to 14th in the AP Poll. How stupid and selfish. Geeze, just thinking about this makes me angry at myself. I think I'd best leave it at that.