Where have we heard this before?

"Hit this link"

The more things change the more they stay the same.
This is not a well written article but I get the overall point. At least clearly state the difference in penalties and yardage between the teams. Also the article never explains the Kyron Hudson call so you have no information on that. It describes a 4th down situation and a delay of game but when was it? The 4th down in the last minute? This seems written by someone in junior high.

I can't stand Michigan and don't doubt they get way too many breaks but USC had that game won if they don't throw a pick 6 or even are able to tackle.
  • no call when the play clock ran out at a critical time
  • 3 missed face mask calls
  • uncalled blindside block (resulting in key player injury)
  • illegal horsecollar tackle not called
  • bad spots
Also doesn't mention the blatant holding by UMs offensive line in the 4th quarter (the only part I saw). I am pretty sure these articles are written by AI. That's why they are usually grammatically correct, but lacking a lot of context.
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Also doesn't mention the blatant holding by UMs offensive line in the 4th quarter (the only part I saw). I am pretty sure these articles are written by AI. That's why they are usually grammatically correct, but lacking a lot of context.
Hijack warning: AI gets worse. The new iPhone AI ads have a young lady getting rewarded for inability to recall anything on a personal or vocational level.

Wall-E is not a movie, it's a documentary.
Did anyone complaining watch any of the game? USC didn't lose because of the refs--even acting as they did for a second is delusional.
USC gave the game away all on their own.
And Michigan fans can tell you a dozen calls that didnt go their way--like every team in every game.