Who gets in?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2013
Going to be interesting if Auburn hangs on. If Oklahoma wins tonight, then the winner of Oklahoma vs Baylor probably gets in. I am assuming that LSU beats Georgia. If OK St finds a way to upset Oklahoma tonight, then it could get crazy.
you have to say it right! Who's in?
Will be real interesting argument for the 4th spot if, let's say Utah beats Oregon, Baylor beats Oklahoma, and Geoegia beats LSU. That would be a wild selection process.

This year has the potential to create more chaos than most years, and increase the calls for an expanded playoff.
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Will be real interesting argument for the 4th spot if, let's say Utah beats Oregon, Baylor beats Oklahoma, and Geoegia beats LSU. That would be a wild selection process.

This year has the potential to create more chaos than most years, and increase the calls for an expanded playoff.

I would love to see what would happen if OK State wins tonight (won't happen). Oklahoma beats Baylor. Oregon beats Utah. LSU beats Georgia.
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