..And what is his association with the football team and his role in the frat hazing death?
Tim is an "Assistant Athletic Director" / AAD (One of ???? How many? Ostensibly in charge of "Athletic Trainers")
He oversees a group of 16 "athletic trainers", and a raft of GAs (who appear to be "Trainers in Training")
Given the new "contract" under which BETA was re-constituted, Bream "coulda' woulda' shoulda'" been in a world of shit (at LEAST AS MUCH, if not more so, than ANY of the BETA brothers).
As of yet, no one seems to want to "go there"....... certainly not SPM, and the Piazzas initially made a stink about Bream (and Sims, and the rest of the empty-suit Posse) but they seem to have backed off as of late.
Even the Old Main Ass-Coverers have, thus far, found it possible to avoid offering him up as a "peace offering"/ sacrificial lamb.
As of now, it looks like he may very well skate away unscathed.