Whos going to be MISTER OCTOBER for this generation of the New York Yankees????

Astros just met the Yankee dancers "Mystique and Aura".

''When you use the words mystique and aura,'' Schilling, the Arizona pitcher, said, ''those are dancers in a nightclub. Those are not things we concern ourselves with on the ball field.''

After watching the Yankees win two games in 25 hours after being one out away from losing each game, Schilling was asked again what he thought about mystique and aura. ''I didn't know they'd make an appearance at Yankee Stadium,'' he said.
Jon Voight

Awful game tonight. Having to hear Joe Buck fill time in an 8-0 game is like fingernails across the chalk board.
disgusting listening to Buck and Smoltz slobber all over the Astros and Altuve the entire game and adding in several backhanded compliments to the Yankees occasionally..what one sided commentary .. guess I’ll mute the game today or get a puke bucket ... although a Yanks fan I’ll have no trouble rooting for the Astros if they make the WS but that announcing last night was so way over the top and one sided
Jon Voight

Awful game tonight. Having to hear Joe Buck fill time in an 8-0 game is like fingernails across the chalk board.

No, that's Merrill Reese's job. Buck is just plain annoying.