I knew Franklin was not the man for the job back in 2014. He took a championship caliber team (O'Brien's staff thought they had a shot at running the table until Erickson and Joyner forced O'Brien's hand and he left in frustration) and ran it into the ground and has done nothing to mitigate my concerns over his style, judgement and philosophy. He is good enough to get us to 8 to 10 wins most year but not good enough to get over the hump without outside factors pushing over like in 2016 when we were the third best team in the East.
With a ridiculous second extension (more ridiculous than the previous one as he is essentially untouchable for five years or more), expect even more critical commentary on his performance. Every single move will be criticized, both good and bad and every mistake will be magnified, and rightfully so. I'll still watch every game and root for us to win regardless of circumstances. I'll still travel to a road game or two a year while boycotting home games unless I can pick up a ticket from a third party as I will not support our athletic department financially due to the continued mismanagement under Sandy.