Why is no one....

Speculation but it's possible Baldwin was a strong part of the case against Spanier. When that got ruled against, perhaps they had enough info on the other two to get them to crack and implicate Spanier in place of Baldwin. For some reason they may be viewing him as the mastermind behind this alleged conspiracy.
.....commenting as to why the OAG would accept a Misdemeanor plea - - - for a case of blatant child endangerment and Conspiracy?

Just saying...... there are two sides to every table.

I was wondering the very same thing. What did the state have to gain from this deal? The only way it would make sense is if they were able to get C/S to say "Spanier is evil" at his upcoming trial or something along those lines, otherwise the state kinda has egg on their face re: all the charges they alleged against C/S to only walk away with one misdemeanor (which was originally a felony) per person.

That has to be the most expensive misdemeanor the state has ever obtained!!

People should be furious at the OAG for this gigantic waste of state time/money!
I was wondering the very same thing. What did the state have to gain from this deal? The only way it would make sense is if they were able to get C/S to say "Spanier is evil" at his upcoming trial or something along those lines, otherwise the state kinda has egg on their face re: all the charges they alleged against C/S to only walk away with one misdemeanor (which was originally a felony) per person.

That has to be the most expensive misdemeanor the state has ever obtained!!

People should be furious at the OAG for this gigantic waste of state time/money!
Every plea by the OAG can be promoted by the OAG as a win, and since a plea, a savings to taxpayers
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Every plea by the OAG can be promoted by the OAG as a win, and since a plea, a savings to taxpayers

Maybe in a normal case but not in one where it took 5 yrs to get a total of one misdemeanor plea for each person.

Again, those must be the most expensive misdemeanor plea deals in the history of PA. Thats called wasting tax payer money. They spent God knows how much tax payer money trying to prosecute multiple felonies for each person and only ended up with one misdemeanor for each guy. Ouch...

Sounds a lot like seth williams attempted blingsting prosecution in philly. Ended with a couple wrist slaps and a bunch of hot air from seth.
.....commenting as to why the OAG would accept a Misdemeanor plea - - - for a case of blatant child endangerment and Conspiracy?

Just saying...... there are two sides to every table.

Fair was just as much an admission that there was no conspiracy as it was an admission that C/S made a mistake (which everyone knew in 2011).
Speculation but it's possible Baldwin was a strong part of the case against Spanier. When that got ruled against, perhaps they had enough info on the other two to get them to crack and implicate Spanier in place of Baldwin. For some reason they may be viewing him as the mastermind behind this alleged conspiracy.

Could be .
I need to wait until Sara Snowstorm weighs in. Looks like she'll have her ruler out again tonight. I mean tomorrow and the next day...
Fair was just as much an admission that there was no conspiracy as it was an admission that C/S made a mistake (which everyone knew in 2011).
That's how it looks right now. More to come in what might be the main event.
I wouldn't say the AG's office is worried about a thing .

irondoc's 5 year old son, elvis, chimes in. irondoc said the exact same thing in 2012. AG's office wasn't worried about a thing back then either because convictions were IMMINENT. They were going to find C/S/S and even Joe guilty.

Now 5 years later his son, elvis, is still saying the same old, tired things as his father did in 2012 except there's only one "S" left for the AG to not worry about. lol

irondoc and elvis prove that the nut never falls too far from the tree.
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irondoc's 5 year old son, elvis, chimes in. irondoc said the exact same thing in 2012. AG's office wasn't worried about a thing back then either because convictions were IMMINENT back then. They were going to find C/S/S and even Joe guilty.

Now 5 years later his son, elvis, is still saying the same old, tired things as his father did in 2012 except there's only one "S" left for the AG to not worry about. lol

irondoc and elvis prove that the nut never falls too far from the tree.

Maybe you need a whiskey. And a bottle of sleeping pills.
You're obsessed with an old web board poster and still can't let this go.
There is a trial coming up . Relax . Have a drink . Tick tock, tick tock.........
Things are not over.
irondoc's 5 year old son, elvis, chimes in. irondoc said the exact same thing in 2012. AG's office wasn't worried about a thing back then either because convictions were IMMINENT. They were going to find C/S/S and even Joe guilty.

Now 5 years later his son, elvis, is still saying the same old, tired things as his father did in 2012 except there's only one "S" left for the AG to not worry about. lol

irondoc and elvis prove that the nut never falls too far from the tree.

Let's take a different look, how are things going? Did you imagine this was going to happen ? Remember guys like lionlurker who assured everyone there would be no plea deal?
Where is Ray Blehar and his info? Guess the checks are done now??
Hey Ray, how about an update ?
Spoiler alert , Ray had no clue this was coming.
.....commenting as to why the OAG would accept a Misdemeanor plea - - - for a case of blatant child endangerment and Conspiracy?

Just saying...... there are two sides to every table.

By total coincidence, was watching Rectify Season 2 Episode 10 last night. Was picturing the PA OAG's handling of M/CSS/P the entire time.

Yes, it's just a TV show, but the parallels are there for those of you with Netflix...
OK, inbred boy. How about you go away and practice typing and spelling and come back when you can make a coherent sentence?
It's a typo , lighten up Francis. Though this is a be a good boy plea is what I meant to type .

Does it cause you pain to be so wrong? Is it uncomfortable? Does it make you anxious ? It's only getting worse unless you get a grip, so deal or self medicate. Doesn't matter to me .
The state had EVERYTHING to gain to get a conviction on ANYTHING in this case.

If a Nigerian sends a scam email to 100,000 people, and one falls for it, it's a major victory.

Same in this case. That simple plea cements the "culture of silence" or whatever it was for decades to come.
FWIW - Spanier was offered the same plea deal. He told his lawyers he'd rather go to jail than plead to something he didn't do and he understands why Tim and Gary did what they did.

Tim & Gary had their lives to think about. With an impossibly polluted jury pool across the state and shitty reporting the past 5 plus years - there was no way they'd ever get a fair trial. This was a win for them, if you think about it. The media is too stupid to report on it properly - we all know that.

Which brings us back to certain folks here doing victory laps about them pleading guilty

There truly are no winners in all of this. It is stunning what a few unethical prosecutors in our state AG's office were capable of destroying - and for what - a Misdemeanor?

What - I take that back - there are winners in this.

Jack Raykovitz, Bruce Heim, Bob Poole, Tom Corbett. The very people that a poster doing a victory lap here has complained is responsible for this mess.
Did C/S just plead guilty or was a deal struck? From what I read in a plea agreement there is a pro quid quo; did not read anything about a "deal".
They took a plea with no promises and sentencing is probably up to the discretion of the judge .
FWIW - Spanier was offered the same plea deal. He told his lawyers he'd rather go to jail than plead to something he didn't do and he understands why Tim and Gary did what they did.

Tim & Gary had their lives to think about. With an impossibly polluted jury pool across the state and shitty reporting the past 5 plus years - there was no way they'd ever get a fair trial. This was a win for them, if you think about it. The media is too stupid to report on it properly - we all know that.

Which brings us back to certain folks here doing victory laps about them pleading guilty

There truly are no winners in all of this. It is stunning what a few unethical prosecutors in our state AG's office were capable of destroying - and for what - a Misdemeanor?

What - I take that back - there are winners in this.

Jack Raykovitz, Bruce Heim, Bob Poole, Tom Corbett. The very people that a poster doing a victory lap here has complained is responsible for this mess.

Polluted jury pool? A big part of Wolf and Kane winning elections was that the people of PA were angry about the PSU scandal and how it was handled and blamed on PSU. So now that very same group of people is a polluted jury pool? That is funny. Maybe people can actually look at the facts when they sit on a jury.

To date Sandusky is sitting in prison and Mike has won many millions in a civil suit. Maybe people can discern the facts. Curley and Schultz plead guilty and could face 5 years in prison, that is telling about the case against them, basically throwing themselves on the mercy of the court.
FWIW - Spanier was offered the same plea deal. He told his lawyers he'd rather go to jail than plead to something he didn't do and he understands why Tim and Gary did what they did.

Tim & Gary had their lives to think about. With an impossibly polluted jury pool across the state and shitty reporting the past 5 plus years - there was no way they'd ever get a fair trial. This was a win for them, if you think about it. The media is too stupid to report on it properly - we all know that.

Which brings us back to certain folks here doing victory laps about them pleading guilty

There truly are no winners in all of this. It is stunning what a few unethical prosecutors in our state AG's office were capable of destroying - and for what - a Misdemeanor?

What - I take that back - there are winners in this.

Jack Raykovitz, Bruce Heim, Bob Poole, Tom Corbett. The very people that a poster doing a victory lap here has complained is responsible for this mess. might add Freeh as one of those taking a victory lap...even certain members of the Old Guard BOT.

What an absolute sham this whole mess has been.

And...what happens to Paterno suit? How does any of this effect that...?
It's a typo , lighten up Francis. Though this is a be a good boy plea is what I meant to type .

Does it cause you pain to be so wrong? Is it uncomfortable? Does it make you anxious ? It's only getting worse unless you get a grip, so deal or self medicate. Doesn't matter to me .