Interesting perspective. I see it. Hell, we had NJPSU posting the terrible odds of Trump winning.
One of the reasons the Leftists are so angry at President Trump isn’t so much because he won, even though Leftists are incapable of being gracious losers. It’s that they were told that the Second Coming of Typhoid Mary would occur, and like all children, are mad that Papa CNN and Mama MSNBC were wrong.
See what I did there? They aren’t angry that CNN and MSNBC and the entire Democrat Media Complex lied to them, but that they were wrong. Which is, of course, how they are still able to hold their Parental Media Betters in high regard, even as CNN implodes.
Every day since the election, then, Leftists have tried everything under the sun to de-legitimize a duly-elected president. He didn’t win the popular vote! “Not My President”! Find faithless electors! Impeach him! More than 50 classless Democrats boycotted the inauguration. And, of course, the “Russian hacking” claims.....................
Thus, we witnessed the first stage of the Kübler-Ross grief cycle, hallmarked by avoidance of the truth (he won), confusion (that he won), fear (that he was Hitler and would club baby seals), numbness (the faces on network anchors were gold), and blame (those stupid Americans, like 83,000 unemployed coal workers, who voted for him).
The hate being blasted at Trump is partially the result of stage two: anger. Oh, the frustration, anxiety, and irritation are non-stop. Leftists and the media are calling him every name in the book. They focus on every single thing he says or does, in a way they never did with George W. Bush, and certainly never did with Dear Leader.
Yet it’s more than just the stages of grief that Leftists are exhibiting. Another major reason they hate him is because he fights back. Not only that, he is skilled at media jiu-jitsu, and fights back in an effective manner. And when he does so, all they can do is call him even more names, and that his tweets are “un-presidential”.
What did they expect? Trump is a New Yorker, who didn’t build an empire by wearing a pink pussy hat to every real estate closing. Trump has always been a pugilist. He’s always been crass. Why would anyone expect him to suddenly change? This is the behavior that got him into the White House, and will keep him there, for better or for worse.
One of the reasons the Leftists are so angry at President Trump isn’t so much because he won, even though Leftists are incapable of being gracious losers. It’s that they were told that the Second Coming of Typhoid Mary would occur, and like all children, are mad that Papa CNN and Mama MSNBC were wrong.
See what I did there? They aren’t angry that CNN and MSNBC and the entire Democrat Media Complex lied to them, but that they were wrong. Which is, of course, how they are still able to hold their Parental Media Betters in high regard, even as CNN implodes.
Every day since the election, then, Leftists have tried everything under the sun to de-legitimize a duly-elected president. He didn’t win the popular vote! “Not My President”! Find faithless electors! Impeach him! More than 50 classless Democrats boycotted the inauguration. And, of course, the “Russian hacking” claims.....................
Thus, we witnessed the first stage of the Kübler-Ross grief cycle, hallmarked by avoidance of the truth (he won), confusion (that he won), fear (that he was Hitler and would club baby seals), numbness (the faces on network anchors were gold), and blame (those stupid Americans, like 83,000 unemployed coal workers, who voted for him).
The hate being blasted at Trump is partially the result of stage two: anger. Oh, the frustration, anxiety, and irritation are non-stop. Leftists and the media are calling him every name in the book. They focus on every single thing he says or does, in a way they never did with George W. Bush, and certainly never did with Dear Leader.
Yet it’s more than just the stages of grief that Leftists are exhibiting. Another major reason they hate him is because he fights back. Not only that, he is skilled at media jiu-jitsu, and fights back in an effective manner. And when he does so, all they can do is call him even more names, and that his tweets are “un-presidential”.
What did they expect? Trump is a New Yorker, who didn’t build an empire by wearing a pink pussy hat to every real estate closing. Trump has always been a pugilist. He’s always been crass. Why would anyone expect him to suddenly change? This is the behavior that got him into the White House, and will keep him there, for better or for worse.