I'm not sure how old you are, but I feel like either your math is off or you don't understand how sexual ability/desire decreases with age.
Possible scenarios:
1) Dottie and Jerry are both telling the truth about # of times per week. If this is the case, it seems very unlikely that he is also having sex with multiple boys during the same time period.* A sixty year man "performing" six or seven times a week without pills is very, very unlikely, especially if they had low T (which Jerry did).
2) Dottie and Jerry are both lying, but Jerry has low T (I believe medical records confirm this). This makes it unlikely but not impossible that he has multiple sexual partners during the same time period.
3) Dottie and Jerry are both lying AND the medical records have somehow been falsified (i.e. Jerry does not have a medical condition related to sexual performance). This seems very unlikely.
4) Jerry is taking some sort of T supplement. I do not believe this has ever been documented and suspect the prosecution would have examined his medical records.
*Keep in mind: based on the testimonies of the accusers, the timelines overlap significantly. It wasn't as if Jerry would focus on one kid, then move on to another. The timelines require that he was abusing multiple boys in the same week/month. On top of all of his other TSM duties, his involvement with St Paul's Church, and, oh yeah, being a P5 defensive coordinator.