Wolf calls for Eakin to resign as Supreme Court backs off of plan to

You mean the lawyers, and lawyers turned politicians, of good character with some semblance of a conscience and even a modicum of moral-integrity willing to stand on principle and "be counted" potentially at the expense of their own, ever-loving self-interest? Ummm, yea, good luck with that one - based on my life experience, the number of zero-principle, zero-integrity, morally-bankrupt, exclusively self-interested, narcissistic, soulless, shameless lawyers outnumber the ones with even a shred of decency 10-to-1....and it isn't the "1" in that equation that are the most successful regardless of means who build huge war-chests of $$$ & influence that they parlay into self-interested power & control via tying themselves to equally morally-vaccuous, corrupt politicians or direct conversion to their own corrupt political careers. This country is run by lawyers both at the State and Federal level....and the number out of all of them with any sense of decency or moral-obligation to their fellow man (e.g., "The Golden Rule" - an admonition against hypocrisy, let alone the extreme hypocrisy of those who abuse public power entrusted in them for self-interested reasons, the very definition of a "tyrant" from antiquity and the Bible [all of the ancient languages used this same root word - in Old Latin "tyrannus" Old Greek "tyrannos", but the root word was from the Torah meaning unrighteous despot be it a ruler with public authority or a "master" of a private entity]) is diminimus at best. The saying from antiquity regarding the moral decay of "principle" and "values" where the opposite of "The Golden Rule" prevails (e.g., corruption and tyranny via pure hypocrisy and narcissism where extreme self-interest is placed over all else - most especially your moral OBLIGATION to your fellow man) applies to the United States just as it did to the Roman Empire -- "The Fish Rots From The Head First" and lawyers unquestionably make up "the Head" of the US Fish in regards to all branches of the US Government, Judiciary and highest levels of Law Enforcement.
It's a tragedy that BushwoodCC has been banned from this forum. He would have gotten along "smashingly" with this fellow! :cool:
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