Well I would argue the
NON hands to face call (C Brown was mauled) on the winning touchdown play is the most blatant non call ever and the REF had an unobstructed view of the play. even the umpire had a partial view of the start of the foul but then was probably blocked
now granted if it was called it puts the skunkbears in a 2nd-18 an who knows what happens from there, but jesus add this to the bullshit that occurred earlier in the game and this was a hatchet job.
Here are some stop motions to display this travesty in all its glory keep in mind this foul occurs around the 15 yrd line right hash and as the play develops the REF moves to his left and has clear view of pocket at all times
so you tell me what exactly Mr REF is watching???? As my sig pic displays the disgust