How do you know what your own kids share with people they can trust who aren't named mom or dad? I'm sure you are perfect. NEVER is a strong word there. Where did your kids go superdaddy? Beat Wake and Dartmouth. You don't know shit. But I'm sure you are a GREAT American.
Seriously....where do you get your opinion? My HVAC guy,(an employee) made $120k last year. More than me and my wife who works full time at Penn in Business Management. You want him teaching your kid? How about the long haul truckers in my town who make $80k...2 days to LA or Phoenix in a team....2 days back....2 days off. But they work every day while I'm living off of your taxes. I have students who after 2 or 3 years in other trades who make more than me...they proudly visit and tell me and I celebrate their success....but the Teachers Union is ruining things and keeping incompetent people employed?
Let me ask you something. You must be a GREAT many of your mentees credit you with changing their lives? I doubt many. Typical selfish jackwagon who believes what he chooses (or what Tucker tells him to Parrot. Polly want a cracker????
Former students will name their kids after me. How bout you cowboy? Thought so. GREAT is in the eye of the beholder.....