Wrist tendonitis


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2008
I'm seeing an ortho doc on Wednesday for my wrist. Anyone ever get a cortisone shot and, if so, how long is it before my wrist can be useful in a repetitive way (don't start:)).

Actually, any advice regarding cortisone shots and their effectiveness would be helpful. I realize I'm seeing a doctor in a couple of days but I'm anxious for my wrist to heal and hopeful for some optimistic input. Thanks.
(Giving A&L some mercy here tonight!)

You have to stop with the Jack Palance one-arm push-ups or the wrist will never be the same.

(Damn.....should have gone with the lay-up A&L gave me!)
(Giving A&L some mercy here tonight!)

You have to stop with the Jack Palance one-arm push-ups or the wrist will never be the same.

(Damn.....should have gone with the lay-up A&L gave me!)
I'll settle for some information. Did no one notice the 'don't start' part of my request?
I'm seeing an ortho doc on Wednesday for my wrist. Anyone ever get a cortisone shot and, if so, how long is it before my wrist can be useful in a repetitive way (don't start:)).

Actually, any advice regarding cortisone shots and their effectiveness would be helpful. I realize I'm seeing a doctor in a couple of days but I'm anxious for my wrist to heal and hopeful for some optimistic input. Thanks.
I'll try to help you out here without the easy master of your domain jokes....
I've never had one, but the wife has, several times. Her experience....
Pain relief, almost immediate.
Next day....pain because they stick that needle in really far.
Day after that, better.
Her condition isn't "fixable" so tough to say for you, but her relief is almost in walking out of the doctors office. Hers is knee though, not wrist.
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The reason for my 'don't start' note.

Besides, most of us have two hands. NM.

I have had the wrist cortisone injections when diagnosed with DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis (developed from repetitive circular motion of wrist from shining several brass candlesticks, but from back and forth motion - just saying). You can diagnose this yourself by determining if you have a positive Finklestein Test - google will tell you how to perform the test). I was first put on Mobic which did not help. The first injection helped somewhat. The second injection 2 weeks later resolved the problem. You can get up to three. If the cortisone injection series does not help then surgery is the next step. I think I got about 3 cc into the tendon sheath, the first 2 cc were fine, the last cc hurt like hell when the tendon sheath was full. Hope this helps.
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Oh Boy - You could have phrased it a little differently. :cool: Anyhow, I had excruciating pain in my left elbow about 10 years ago that prevented me from playing golf. I got a shot on a Friday and played in a golf tournament that weekend. The relief was immediate.

It doesn't always work that way but you will know within days if the shot worked or not. I had a minor tear in my meniscus and had it cleaned up about 7 years ago. Two years ago, it flared up and I went to the ortho who did the surgery. He gave me a cortisone shot and told me to "go get 'em". I felt great immediately.

Sometimes they give you the shot and it gives you enough relief to start doing more aggressive physical therapy. My two experiences allowed me to be active immediately but I also went to PT and tried to strengthen the area.

You are only allowed to receive cortisone shots ONCE in something like 6 months so I highly recommend getting some good PT even if the relief is immediate. Allow an extra few minutes in the shower every morning! ;) Good luck!
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My GF had a cortisone shot for plantar fasciitis (in her foot). It didn't help her.
FWIW, her ex is a PHD physical therapist, and he told her the cortisone wouldn't work, and the only thing that would help her is rest.
Good luck!
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Oh Boy - You could have phrased it a little differently. :cool: Anyhow, I had excruciating pain in my left elbow about 10 years ago that prevented me from playing golf. I got a shot on a Friday and played in a golf tournament that weekend. The relief was immediate.

It doesn't always work that way but you will know within days if the shot worked or not. I had a minor tear in my meniscus and had it cleaned up about 7 years ago. Two years ago, it flared up and I went to the ortho who did the surgery. He gave me a cortisone shot and told me to "go get 'em". I felt great immediately.

Sometimes they give you the shot and it gives you enough relief to start doing more aggressive physical therapy. My two experiences allowed me to be active immediately but I also went to PT and tried to strengthen the area.

You are only allowed to receive cortisone shots ONCE in something like 6 months so I highly recommend getting some good PT even if the relief is immediate. Allow an extra few minutes in the shower every morning! ;) Good luck!
Phrased it differently? For shit's sake it's called repetitive motion disorder.

Otherwise, thanks for the input.
I have had the wrist cortisone injections when diagnosed with DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis (developed from repetitive circular motion of wrist from shining several brass candlesticks, but from back and forth motion - just saying). You can diagnose this yourself by determining if you have a positive Finklestein Test - google will tell you how to perform the test). I was first put on Mobic which did not help. The first injection helped somewhat. The second injection 2 weeks later resolved the problem. You can get up to three. If the cortisone injection series does not help then surgery is the next step. I think I got about 3 cc into the tendon sheath, the first 2 cc were fine, the last cc hurt like hell when the tendon sheath was full. Hope this helps.

Would have guessed you'd maybe have had carpal tunnel from posting all the wrestling updates!

THANKS AGAIN from your legion of followers here for keeping us on the mat with the wrestlers in real-time!
I'm seeing an ortho doc on Wednesday for my wrist. Anyone ever get a cortisone shot and, if so, how long is it before my wrist can be useful in a repetitive way (don't start:)).

Actually, any advice regarding cortisone shots and their effectiveness would be helpful. I realize I'm seeing a doctor in a couple of days but I'm anxious for my wrist to heal and hopeful for some optimistic input. Thanks.

How did you do it?

IDK if this is true or not, regarding the elbow, but supposedly there's "tennis" elbow (outside) and "golf" elbow (inner). I developed severe "golf" elbow (left) about 5 years ago from straight barbell curling and straight bar chinups. It was excruciating pain whenever I used my left arm. I simply stopped straight barbell curls and now use an angled bar for chins.

But, I was out of commission for a few months. Turning a doorknob or to open a jar gave me pain.

Long long long-time ago, when I was a teenager, I got a cortisone shot in my left shoulder for an anterior head strain/tear. I could literally feel the pain dissipate. Wonder drug, IMO. Was the only time I got one.

Again, not sure why you have the pain to begin with. I guess you are around my age.

I completely change how I work out. For example, I do dumbell curls to fatigue my muscles and prevent any reoccurrence of "golf" elbow then I hit the Scott bench for ez curls. By that time my biceps are worn out and I can't go heavy, which is my plan. Same with chest, I fatigue my chest with dumbells BEFORE I bench. That way, I'm too fatigued to go heavy.

If you watch Arnold train, now, he uses practically all machines. Getting old (er) sucks. Give yourself time to heal and stop doing whatever it is that aggregates it.
I have had the wrist cortisone injections when diagnosed with DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis (developed from repetitive circular motion of wrist from shining several brass candlesticks, but from back and forth motion - just saying). You can diagnose this yourself by determining if you have a positive Finklestein Test - google will tell you how to perform the test). I was first put on Mobic which did not help. The first injection helped somewhat. The second injection 2 weeks later resolved the problem. You can get up to three. If the cortisone injection series does not help then surgery is the next step. I think I got about 3 cc into the tendon sheath, the first 2 cc were fine, the last cc hurt like hell when the tendon sheath was full. Hope this helps.
I just did the test. I don't think it's that. The main pain is at the ulna side joint, or left side, on the side, when hand is lying flat. I hope a shot helps. Thanks, Jon.
I had a series of three cortisone shots last spring for my knee, helped a little but not a huge difference-maker.

With your visit on Wed, you'll know by Fri if the shot helped.....good luck!
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Phrased it differently? For shit's sake it's called repetitive motion disorder.

Otherwise, thanks for the input.

Seriously, the shot will help short term but.... it's called repetitive motion disorder for a reason. You are going to have to secure the wrist and you will have to rest it..... it can take a long time.... don't push it.
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Seriously, the shot will help short term but.... it's called repetitive motion disorder for a reason. You are going to have to secure the wrist and you will have to rest it..... it can take a long time.... don't push it.
I don't like your response.;):)
Would have guessed you'd maybe have had carpal tunnel from posting all the wrestling updates!

THANKS AGAIN from your legion of followers here for keeping us on the mat with the wrestlers in real-time!

I knew that response was probably coming. I really do appreciate all of the positive comments, but especially all the support y'all have for PennState wrestling. Can't wait for 16 March.
The key to the cortisone shot is finding the right spot to inject. For that reason, many doctors do not like to inject certain areas...elbow being one...unless they are certain of the origin of the pain. If you miss the inflamed spot, you just loaded yourself with needless steroid....and the result won't be good.
The key to the cortisone shot is finding the right spot to inject. For that reason, many doctors do not like to inject certain areas...elbow being one...unless they are certain of the origin of the pain. If you miss the inflamed spot, you just loaded yourself with needless steroid....and the result won't be good.
Oh, good.:mad:
I had a similar issue with my left wrist during the summer of 2015 -- there were times when I couldn't carry simple items with my left hand because of the pain. I had broken that wrist when I was in HS but the doc said there was no related issue. He offered the choice of cortisone shot vs anti-inflammatory pills and I went with the pills because I really didn't like the idea of the shot. Anti-inflammatories worked pretty well and I haven't had any related problems since.
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I'm seeing an ortho doc on Wednesday for my wrist. Anyone ever get a cortisone shot and, if so, how long is it before my wrist can be useful in a repetitive way (don't start:)).

Actually, any advice regarding cortisone shots and their effectiveness would be helpful. I realize I'm seeing a doctor in a couple of days but I'm anxious for my wrist to heal and hopeful for some optimistic input. Thanks.
Also look into Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as an option. Involves taking your plasma running it through a centrifuge and injecting the platelets into the injury site. Speeds healing. Procedure takes about 20 minutes or so. A chiropractor once told me about this. Had it done on his wrist and claimed it saved his job. Trouble is it isn't yet covered by insurance. $400 for the treatment he said. Check with your Ortho.
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I'm seeing an ortho doc on Wednesday for my wrist. Anyone ever get a cortisone shot and, if so, how long is it before my wrist can be useful in a repetitive way (don't start:)).

Actually, any advice regarding cortisone shots and their effectiveness would be helpful. I realize I'm seeing a doctor in a couple of days but I'm anxious for my wrist to heal and hopeful for some optimistic input. Thanks.

What state are you in? If you're in a weed friendly state, no need for the cort shot (oh by the way, my last sentence perfectly illustrates why our bought off politicians keep weed as a schedule 1 narcotic).

Just apply some of this:

A magic erasure for pain.

I get knee/meniscus (sp?) pain. This stuff takes care of it almost instantly.
Also look into Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as an option. Involves taking your plasma running it through a centrifuge and injecting the platelets into the injury site. Speeds healing. Procedure takes about 20 minutes or so. A chiropractor once told me about this. Had it done on his wrist and claimed it saved his job. Trouble is it isn't yet covered by insurance. $400 for the treatment he said. Check with your Ortho.
Thanks. I hope I won't need that option.
Thanks. I hope I won't need that option.

Don't shy away from PSP if it becomes an option. Doctors are getting great results using this procedure.
Unfortunately it takes more than one treatment and if you are seeing a good ortho or a hand guy for your wrist it's going to cost you about $1500. Some doctors are able to couple this with covered procedures which may help bring down your cost.
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I'm seeing an ortho doc on Wednesday for my wrist. Anyone ever get a cortisone shot and, if so, how long is it before my wrist can be useful in a repetitive way (don't start:)).

Actually, any advice regarding cortisone shots and their effectiveness would be helpful. I realize I'm seeing a doctor in a couple of days but I'm anxious for my wrist to heal and hopeful for some optimistic input. Thanks.

I'm seeing an ortho doc on Wednesday for my wrist. Anyone ever get a cortisone shot and, if so, how long is it before my wrist can be useful in a repetitive way (don't start:)).

Actually, any advice regarding cortisone shots and their effectiveness would be helpful. I realize I'm seeing a doctor in a couple of days but I'm anxious for my wrist to heal and hopeful for some optimistic input. Thanks.
How about try ice ,rest and wear a wrist brace. And get some anti inflammatory Meds like relafen. Ice is your friend
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Rest and ice I've done. For some reason, ice seems to make it worse, or more sensitive. I'll see the doc in the morning and take it from there. Thanks.
The key to the cortisone shot is finding the right spot to inject. For that reason, many doctors do not like to inject certain areas...elbow being one...unless they are certain of the origin of the pain. If you miss the inflamed spot, you just loaded yourself with needless steroid....and the result won't be good.
This is very true! Thanks for reminding me about this. Your doctor should work that wrist over pretty well and be probing with his fingers for the central location of the pain. Mine used a marker once he found the central pain area in my elbow. If he doesn't do this, ask him how he knows where to inject the medicine.
Rest and ice I've done. For some reason, ice seems to make it worse, or more sensitive. I'll see the doc in the morning and take it from there. Thanks.
When i have problems with my wrists the brace really worked. Sometimes i would wrap my wrist with a gauze type bandage just for support. I work construction so wrist is under stress for long periods sometimes. But i believe the added support really works. Good luck. Let me know what doc says. Also ice is painful. The muscles cramp tighter creating more pain in that case i would soak your wrist in hot water. That works good too
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I actually had very good luck with a traditional Chinese doctor after having a CTS diagnosis. The brace and anti inflammatory route wasn't working so my wife found this guy in Flushing,NY. He said that the tendons in my thumb were too close together and then used his thumbs to massage the area by hand to separate them. His hands were unbeleivably strong. I went home the first time with a big bruise around the base of my thumb. Went back a few more times and my CTS was gone.

I wonder if it was true CTS or maybe misdiagnosed by the neurologist, but if you are adventurous and have access to some non-traditional medical options nearby it might be worth a look.
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When i have problems with my wrists the brace really worked. Sometimes i would wrap my wrist with a gauze type bandage just for support. I work construction so wrist is under stress for long periods sometimes. But i believe the added support really works. Good luck. Let me know what doc says. Also ice is painful. The muscles cramp tighter creating more pain in that case i would soak your wrist in hot water. That works good too
Have you tried Kinetic Tape (KT Tape)? It may be perfect for you.
I'm seeing an ortho doc on Wednesday for my wrist. Anyone ever get a cortisone shot and, if so, how long is it before my wrist can be useful in a repetitive way (don't start:)).

Actually, any advice regarding cortisone shots and their effectiveness would be helpful. I realize I'm seeing a doctor in a couple of days but I'm anxious for my wrist to heal and hopeful for some optimistic input. Thanks.

Never got one in the wrist but had one in the shoulder after injuring it playing baseball. Before the shot I could not lift my arm at all. By the next day I had full range of motion. I don't know if it works that fast for everybody, but it definitely helped me.
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Never got one in the wrist but had one in the shoulder after injuring it playing baseball. Before the shot I could not lift my arm at all. By the next day I had full range of motion. I don't know if it works that fast for everybody.
When i have problems with my wrists the brace really worked. Sometimes i would wrap my wrist with a gauze type bandage just for support. I work construction so wrist is under stress for long periods sometimes. But i believe the added support really works. Good luck. Let me know what doc says. Also ice is painful. The muscles cramp tighter creating more pain in that case i would soak your wrist in hot water. That works good too
Xrays show ulnar impact, meaning my ulna hits my carpal bone with certain movements (ouch). Cortisone shot for now. Possible TFCC, triangular fibrocartilage complex, either chronic or acute. Next step would be MRI, then possibly surgery.

I'm gonna take care of my damn wrist with support, maybe a splint which the doc offered. I do not want surgery.

Thanks to all for the feedback.