Interesting card. Some good Matches. Braxton Amos defeated 3X AA T.J. Dudley 7-2 at 205 lbs. Tyler Berger was leading Evan Wick before he got packed in the 2nd period in the "Main Event" at 169lbs. The average # of people watching was about 465. It peaked at 472 in the Amos/Dudley match and dropped to about 430 in the Wick match. Wilena Wick (Guessing a relation ) tipped 100.00 in the last minute to bring the total tips to 460.00 for the night (42.00 came in after conclusion) . That is about 200.00 each for the outstanding male and female wrestler....whom they did not announce . They did announce there would be another card in March. So the NLWC pattern of one-a-month is being copied by WRTC. Good for them and their wrestlers. For comparison.....the NLWC brought in 1287.00 in tips despite no tips being allowed during the card after the "Glitch". The # of people watching was definitely higher than a LOT. I think it hit over 2700 at one point before the glitch. I may be mis-remembering because I'm senile but I think that is in the ballpark
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