O.K. ..... here goes---- YOUR ARE CRAZY
43 messages and 41 likes? So damn impressive, I think the BOT may need to hire Louie to investigate (castigate?) YOU!
O.K. ..... here goes---- YOUR ARE CRAZY
------------I DON'T READ POSTS I DON'T LIKE. However, I do have to scroll through the headlines so I do see what the topics are. Did I not say I don't read the Sandusky posts any more? Did you not write that I don't read the Sandusky posts? I don't need to read countless posts to know the BOT, Sandusky, etc screwed PSU. I think that is so far beyond a proven point already. It's like you already beat the dead horse, it decayed and disappeared and you went back and beat the area where the carcass was. I'm not debating that point at all. So why are you telling me to DON'T CLICK ON IT WHEN THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I DO AND YOU SAID I DO. I DON'T READ THE VAST MAJORITY OF THREADS THAT DON'T INTEREST ME! It's like some sort of circular argument you are having with yourself. Do you yell at your dog to sit when he is already sitting? That's what your post basically said.
I asked a question? IS there less football talk then there has been? It sure as hell seems that way to me. Am I wrong? Is this board not dominated by Sandusky/BOT threads? Are there WAYYYY more OT posts then there used to be? I'm not talking just now but in general, even over of the course of the season. It sure seems that way to me. If you don't think so fine, but I don't think I'm the only one who thinks this. This board has evolved from a football board like it was in the plotit days to more of a free for all test/politics board with less emphasis on PSU football. That's fine by me as I visit the other boards as well and get most of my football info and chat from there.
Is this even a PSU football board anymore? I just glanced on page one, and there are probably less then 10 posts that I would classify as having to do with PSU, other then the countless Sandusky threads!!! WTF has happened? I know it is the off season and it isn't the most exciting time, but over the past few years and especially since Sandusky the amount of football talk has decreased significantly. Now there are posts about texas wanting fryers and soda machines back in school. REally, that what this board has become? A few days ago a post about how civilization will end. Seriously???? I can live with the Sandusky and BOT related threads since it is at least relevant, even though I stopped reading those long ago.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the occasional OT posts as it keeps the board interesting but I used to come here to talk PSU football, and get news an info. Now this is the last board I visit for that stuff. The scout board is OK but there aren't nearly enough people posting. The 247 board is probably the best PSU board, but the way they allow VIP posts to clog up the all the threads make it useless unless you are a member. Am I the only one who feels this way? WTF has happened? Can this site create a board that is PSU related only? The sandusky stuff and all other crap can stay on this board. I just don't want to leave entirely as like many I have been on this board since the plotit days. The plotit board would put this board to shame with the amount of football talk that use to go on there.
I think the never ending obsession some posters have with the Sandusky Scandal drove off a lot of the good football posters.
I hate to even ask this question it really doesn't concern me but what is the truth you are seeking? ..not here to argue but I hear this a lot from psu fans. what truth is it that you are looking for? in fact I will not respond to this thread anymore other than this question...but what truth?Well, to each their own, but I can't see myself ending my obsession with the scandal stuff until the truth is finally known. And if the price to be paid for that is that only people with my point of view are left here, then so be it. If the truth isn't ever known, then PSU football is one big lie anyhow, and I don't see myself supporting one big lie.
I only wish I could provide 10,000 "likes" to this singular post.O.K. ..... here goes---- YOUR ARE CRAZY
USDA Grade A "Prime" Troll Bait. Let's see who the bafoon is who swallows this "treble hook of chum" and starts the reel to making big noises!I hate to even ask this question it really doesn't concern me but what is the truth you are seeking? ..not here to argue but I hear this a lot from psu fans. what truth is it that you are looking for? in fact I will not respond to this thread anymore other than this question...but what truth?
So you pick out what ya want and ignore the rest. Great. But be grateful that others are willing to fight the good fight and get to the truth. If everyone had your attitude, the OG BoT wins and every one just 'moves on.' Thank God that some are willing to keep digging, keep pushing, keep fighting.
It was those that fought on that helped get the scholarships back two years early so you can follow a competitive team. It was those the fought on that got the bowl ban lifted two years early so you can read about our bowl games 0r even go to a bowl game. It was those that fought on that got all of Joe's wins restored. It was those that fought on that got the bowl money back.
Only by fighting did we get new alumni trustees on the board. Only by fighting are we getting the attention of Yudichack and others to push through needed reforms. Only by fighting on will we finally wrest control away from the B & I power mad trustees. Only by fighting on will we finally expose any possible(probable) criminal activity between the BoT and TSM and politicians and who knows who else. And only by fighting on will we be able to restore the reputation of this great university.
Sorry if that makes you have to scroll down a page or two.
Great post! Only with fighting back will we overcome some of these injustices.------------
So you pick out what ya want and ignore the rest. Great. But be grateful that others are willing to fight the good fight and get to the truth. If everyone had your attitude, the OG BoT wins and every one just 'moves on.' Thank God that some are willing to keep digging, keep pushing, keep fighting.
It was those that fought on that helped get the scholarships back two years early so you can follow a competitive team. It was those the fought on that got the bowl ban lifted two years early so you can read about our bowl games 0r even go to a bowl game. It was those that fought on that got all of Joe's wins restored. It was those that fought on that got the bowl money back.
Only by fighting did we get new alumni trustees on the board. Only by fighting are we getting the attention of Yudichack and others to push through needed reforms. Only by fighting on will we finally wrest control away from the B & I power mad trustees. Only by fighting on will we finally expose any possible(probable) criminal activity between the BoT and TSM and politicians and who knows who else. And only by fighting on will we be able to restore the reputation of this great university.
Sorry if that makes you have to scroll down a page or two.