Yosemite’s Very Hot Past
July 9, 2017
Yosemite National Park is currently buried in snow, and people are getting lost in the snow.

People are getting lost on Yosemite’s snow-covered trails – SFGate
But Yosemite wasn’t always cold in July. Yosemite rarely reaches 100 degrees anymore,
but prior to forty years ago 100 degree days in Yosemite were quite common. During July, 1915 Yosemite was over 100 degrees every day except for one.

July 1915 was much hotter than July 2016 – which the US government says was the hottest year ever. Yosemite is buried in snow now, but on On July 20, 1915 Yosemite reached 115 degrees.

The heat of 1915 at Yosemite was completely unprecedented.

And this was only two years after July 1913, when California reached 134 degrees – hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth. Yosemite was also having a massive heatwave that year.

Climate experts are working hard to erase California’s hot past – because they are not scientists. Rather they are criminals who depend on global warming scam funding for their income.
July 9, 2017
Yosemite National Park is currently buried in snow, and people are getting lost in the snow.

People are getting lost on Yosemite’s snow-covered trails – SFGate
But Yosemite wasn’t always cold in July. Yosemite rarely reaches 100 degrees anymore,
but prior to forty years ago 100 degree days in Yosemite were quite common. During July, 1915 Yosemite was over 100 degrees every day except for one.

July 1915 was much hotter than July 2016 – which the US government says was the hottest year ever. Yosemite is buried in snow now, but on On July 20, 1915 Yosemite reached 115 degrees.

The heat of 1915 at Yosemite was completely unprecedented.

And this was only two years after July 1913, when California reached 134 degrees – hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth. Yosemite was also having a massive heatwave that year.

Climate experts are working hard to erase California’s hot past – because they are not scientists. Rather they are criminals who depend on global warming scam funding for their income.