You know how they say that "The worst day on the golf course...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2005
1 better than the best day in the office"? I'm not so sure I'd agree with that after seeing this actual score card form a NCAA DIII girls match. Check out the score on hole #8...


This post was edited on 4/2 9:08 AM by LuvDaLions

This post was edited on 4/2 9:09 AM by LuvDaLions

This post was edited on 4/2 9:10 AM by LuvDaLions
I see that she smoked the back 9 and damn windmill on #8.*

Re: I see that she smoked the back 9 and damn windmill on #8.*

Can't say I've ever heard of anybody taking a 60 on a single hole before. At least on the back nine she didn't have any holes worse than 17 (unfortunately, her best hole on the back nine was a 10).
Good God. How'd you like to be in the group behind hers

on some Saturday morning? Now college competition is strictly in accordance with the Rules of Golf so all her penalties counted. Even so, she had to hit a box of balls OB or whiff like Pedro Alvarez to get a score like that. Even with water, you drop in the drop zone and go from there. This was flat out absurd. This player just took up the game like an hour before going out for her match - she's obviously not ready to play.

Her coach should have taken away every club except a 9-iron and a putter and she could have shot 120.

The scores are very disappointing (although the top girls were OK) you'd think college athletes could shoot in the 80's from 5300 yards (boy did they shorten the course). Tells me that girls should bag basketball and volleyball and play golf. You want to be a college letterman - golf is the way to do it.
Probably with a little better course management, gets that round under 225.
Golf courses are a waste of good real estate. Allentown Municipal LINK

130,000 people paying so that a couple hundred people can play golf. The place is a loser. It should be sold for new housing on prime land. The tax rolls would be helped immeasurably.

hit it
Isn't their a shot limit to these types of things. If not they need to include one. Then if you don't finish a hole before the shot limit your day should be over. Whether its the first hole or the 17th. Anyone can have a rough day on the course and look like it was their first time, but a 60 on 1 hole is ridiculous, I just pick up the ball and move on to the next hole if I put 2 OOB on the same hole.
I've had about 4 weeks off before starting a new job on the 6th

It's been heaven playing midweek - 3-3:30 hour rounds (longer if I add in some practice chips/putts), and no one in front or in back of my group. Playing with 1 or 2 genial codgers or early retirees.
Oh Amanda!! You poor thing. What the hell kind of clubs were you using?*


This post was edited on 4/2 2:14 PM by JR4PSU
60 has got to be a typo

There's no way she actually shot that. I'm sure there's some sort of mercy rule ... and imagine how long the line at the tee behind her would have gotten.
Pretty sure I could play a putter from tee to green for 18 holes and beat that score.
Well, if she made a hole in one on that hole, that would take her to a 189.


This post was edited on 4/2 2:16 PM by JR4PSU
I get the sentiment, but watch out for water more than 25 yrds across.*

Refreshments At The Halfway House Obviously Rejuvinated Her!

139 - 109 = 248

How many people knock 30 strokes off on the back nine.....?
I remember that Golf Digest story - hard to believe

How could you play that much and be so brutal? He must have the worst hand-eye coordination in the world.
Re: Looks like no water on the course at all*

I saw someone had tweeted her coach to see if the 60 was actually her score and he said yes, she got caught in a deep sandtrap and couldn't get the ball out.
Re: Looks like no water on the course at all*

She was finally able to get out once no sand was left.
Re: Looks like no water on the course at all*

A reporter was at the course and asked her how in the world could you shoot a 248! She said, "I missed a 3 footer on 18 for a 247." Could you imagine having to play behind her....