Your most loathed college athletic program

Who is your most loathed college athletics program?

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Every time I click on my selection, it de-selects my other selection!

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17. What college team or wrestler do you hate the most and why?
I try not to hate anybody, especially somebody I am competing against. Ohio State.

- Cenzo

SEC schools as a whole. Awful athletics culture amongst their fanbases, probably because for most of them college football is their NFL. Something I'm glad I don't have to live with on a daily basis.

I say this as someone whose stance has generally softened as I know people from a school. (I still don't like Notre Dame, but can't muster the same hate after my wife's niece and nephew both enrolled there.) But knowing people in the SEC region has actually made it easier for me to dislike those schools.

About the only thing that would make me hate SEC schools more would be hiring Brian Kelly.
I’m 74 so “hating “ a bunch of guys who are young enough to be my grandkids is a bit too alien for my sense of values. On the other hand, rooting against a team or several teams comes with the territory when talking about sports. That’s particularly true for college football where a team’s chances to play for the so called national championship is heavily dependent upon polls rather than scores.
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As much as I enjoy razzing my buddy who’s a diehard Iowa fan, I loathe Ohio State and Pitt. Tom Ryan is a well documented massive whiner and so is Pat Narduzzi. Narduzzi furthered his case today after the Backyard Brawl when he was whining on about how they had to beat WVU and the refs.
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For me it would be a tie between Michigan and Notre Dame.

Iowa doesn't make the top of the list because I really only dislike the Iowa wrestling and football programs. The rest of their sports I don't really care about.

Pitt football is a has been and is only worthy of pity. I don't care about the rest of their programs though their volleyball team is on the verge of becoming a great rivalry for PSU. Pitt's fans do have a special place reserved in hell for them. Oakland is a training ground for their final destination.

Notre Dame's and Michigan's arrogance across the board makes it very easy to dislike every one of their sports programs. When they play each other, I root for an earthquake to hit the stadium.
Pitt football is a has been and is only worthy of pity. I don't care about the rest of their programs though their volleyball team is on the verge of becoming a great rivalry for PSU. Pitt's fans do have a special place reserved in hell for them. Oakland is a training ground for their final destination.
The Univeristy of Pittsburgh: exactly 0 team NCAA championships.
I'm an anti-chalk fan.

I dislike it when a non-fan, who knows nothing about a sport, chimes in with their favorite team ... Baseball (Yankees), NFL (Dallas) ... I guess they feel it gives them instant credibility.

In CFB that would be the Fighting Irish. The special treatment they are given through the polls and their own TV network only serves to intensify my distaste for everything ND.

And I'm Irish
No, but a whole stadium repeatedly booing injured players is a good representation.
I am not sticking up for Iowa but my devils advocacy jumps in ... if in the stands, initially, it could have looked like a stall tactic. I did say initially. It is a common ploy used
That must have been an awkward job interview.

HIRING COMMITTEE: What do you love most about PITT that makes you want to work here?
Gpago: Um ... a salary plus benefits?
Just started... will teach ROTC and Military History to start. Students are great... and no I don't attend the football games... actually big salary cut for me but I want to teach so...
I am not sticking up for Iowa but my devils advocacy jumps in ... if in the stands, initially, it could have looked like a stall tactic. I did say initially. It is a common ploy used
Except their offense did not need to be slowed down, and Ferentz doubled down with his “smell a rat” comment. Trash coach and fans! Only Michigan’s blatant cheating and righteousness indignation that anyone dare question them put them over the top (barely) of most hated.