Presque Isle Bay of Lake Erie for smallmouths. I was out there today. We caught smallies, a pike, a gar, and panfish.
I grew up fishing on the Susquehanna (60's -early 80's), from Accomac to Conowingo. When i started fishing Lake Erie in the early 90's, i could not believe how big an average smallmouth was. First time, out in my 12 foot rowboat, i had a stringer of 3 or 4 big ones. Man, i thought i was the shizzle! Turns out, guys who knew what they were doing had caught dozens like those.
Largemouth - farm ponds.
Growing up, it was Lake Grubb, near Mountville, PA. Back before it was a park. Old ore hole... woods and steep banks... songs of woodthrushes... clear water... bass on the prowl.