While you might have the "distinct impression" that I am putting down women or Jrd, where's your proof as my new friend Jrd would say? It's ok, because it's a message board and people form opinions w/o proof.
For those who think "arguing like a woman" is a put down, maybe you need to examine your own bias's when it comes to the intelligence level of the fairer sex. When Jrd compared Sorensen going up to 74 with my assertion that you will see Cenzo at 74, it's something my wife would do in a debate. Throw red herring's out there to see if I happen to be a squirrel and get caught up in that instead of the original debate. BTW, she's wins most of the arguments...except when it comes to wrestling
So save your faux outrage on behalf of all women. Maybe Bo will end up at 184. Maybe Rasheed will go from 165 to 184 or 197. Both have been predicted on here without a shred of "proof."