“Positive Infinity” - what does it mean

Chickenman Testa

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2003
I’ve been rewatching the NCAA sessions on DVR (except Second Round which got erased :mad:) and finally found the meaning to Positive Infinity - and it’s probably more ridiculous-sounding in print than it is to hear it live. The following happens about 3 minutes into the medal round:

Joey (Mr. Lifetime Buckeye) McKenna:

“It’s the only place Ohio State Wrestling is going this year. It’s got a multitude of meanings but, really, it is what you want it to be and in our minds it’s the only place we’re going.”

Okay, fair enough. Joey Mac went to Stanford and probably read Hegel so he’s used to high-minded tautologies. But here’s his lunkhead of a coach:

Tom Ryan:

Positive Infinity means for our wrestlers anything that has to do with being positive and not negative.”

Okay, he must have read a similar thought in a small town weekly or at a self-help seminar, but he goes way deeper:

it means enjoying every moment of the journey, it means simply - ‘hey, that was a funny joke’. It means I enjoyed my time with you. Positive Infinity is, uh, not negative - it’s anything that’s positive.” (commence to awkwardly smile)

Hahahaha - what a deep thinker.

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So basically it's a chameleon -- it means whatever they want it to mean at any given time.

Which is the only thing about that phrase that makes any sense whatsoever.
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Now if only I could find the one-sided Rivalry promo featuring all Buckeyes and none of our guys.
That was comical. The promo ran about 3 minutes, and went on and on and on...and featured nothing but Ohio State wrestlers, Tom Ryan, and the Ohio State point of view, on the "rivalry". I don't even think the ohio state buckeye play by play team would have ran something like that. I kept waiting for ANY PSU point of view, interview, sound bite, ANYTHING....

The spot disappeared after Bo Nickal, just like everything else did.
So basically it's a chameleon -- it means whatever they want it to mean at any given time.

Which is the only thing about that phrase that makes any sense whatsoever.
In high brow philosophy salons, this is known as the Jammenz method.
That was comical. The promo ran about 3 minutes, and went on and on and on....

The spot disappeared after Bo Nickal, just like everything else did.

To quote J Jaggers - “Boom”

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That was comical. The promo ran about 3 minutes, and went on and on and on...and featured nothing but Ohio State wrestlers, Tom Ryan, and the Ohio State point of view, on the "rivalry". I don't even think the ohio state buckeye play by play team would have ran something like that. I kept waiting for ANY PSU point of view, interview, sound bite, ANYTHING....

The spot disappeared after Bo Nickal, just like everything else did.

OSU had to put that promo together before the tourney, then hand it to ESPN. Add to that, Quinn K couldn't turn around without finding Ryan waiting for his next interview.

The amount of self promotion really was comical.
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Before our dual Ryan had this spiel about each wrestler at OSU reaching his genetic potential. I thought that was a bit over the top too.

Then of course there were the robes and pin chains. That was about as ostentatious as Miami's battle fatigues and turn over chains.
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Before our dual Ryan had this spiel about each wrestler at OSU reaching his genetic potential. I thought that was a bit over the top too.

Then of course there were the robes and pin chains. That was about as ostentatious as Miami's battle fatigues and turn over chains.
Ah, yes, the robes. Straight out of "A Handmaid's Tale."
Can someone post the pic of Myles on his head with his eyes bugging out just as his body started to topple past vertical? I have a good hashtag for it
Not the screenshot you are looking for CT, but not a good look for TaTo. Blame the high temps in Rec Hall, or whatever, but screaming at your wrestler isn't cool.

Can someone post the pic of Myles on his head with his eyes bugging out just as his body started to topple past vertical? I have a good hashtag for it
There may be a still that's better--this is a screengrab from the alternate ESPN camera, TIFWIW
I’ve been rewatching the NCAA sessions on DVR (except Second Round which got erased :mad:) and finally found the meaning to Postive Infinity - and it’s probably more ridiculous-sounding in print than it is to hear it live. The following happens about 3 minutes into the medal round:

Joey (Mr. Lifetime Buckeye) McKenna:

“It’s the only place Ohio State Wrestling is going this year. It’s got a multitude of meanings but, really, it is what you want it to be and in our minds it’s the only place we’re going.”

Okay, fair enough. Joey Mac went to Stanford and probably read Hegel so he’s used to high-minded tautologies. But here’s his lunkhead of a coach:

Tom Ryan:

Positive Infinity means for our wrestlers anything that has to do with being positive and not negative.”

Okay, he must have read a similar thought in a small town weekly or at a self-help seminar, but he goes way deeper:

it means enjoying every moment of the journey, it means simply - ‘hey, that was a funny joke’. It means I enjoyed my time with you. Positive Infinity is, uh, not negative - it’s anything that’s positive.” (commence to awkwardly smile)

Hahahaha - what a deep thinker. handy deep thoughts&ved=0ahUKEwjt7I_H-aPbAhWEyVMKHcIpAYQQMwhRKAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8

Breaking News: The Ohio State PR team has been hunkered down for the past two months, and they have finally clarified what is meant by "positive infinity", which contrasts of course with "bad" or "spurious" infinity. I quote from T. Ryan's recent press conference. First, the more technical exegesis followed by the simpler explanation.

In common syntactic pattern, dialectical development leads to an endless, back-and-forth process—a bad or “spurious” infinity between two concepts or forms. Ohio State's dialectics cannot rest with spurious infinities. So long as the dialectical process is passing endlessly back and forth between two elements (one tOSU and the other PSU) it is never finished, and the concept or form in play cannot be determined. Spurious infinities must therefore be resolved or stopped, and they are always resolved by a higher-level, more universal concept (tOSU). In some cases, a new, higher-level concept is introduced that stops the spurious infinity (PSU) by grasping the whole, back-and-forth process. Being-for-itself, for instance, is introduced as a new, more universal concept that embraces—and hence stops—the whole, back-and-forth process between “something-others”. However, if the back-and-forth process takes place between a concept and its own content—in which case the concept already embraces the content—then that embracing concept is redefined in a new way that grasps the whole, back-and-forth process. The new definition raises the embracing concept to a higher level of universality—as a totality (an “all”) or as a complete and completed concept.

Stated more simply, a bad infinity (bad, like Penn State Bad) contrasts with true or positive infinity (good like Ohio State Good) which is closely associated with the finite, for something that is infinite in one perspective can also be finite in another. True infinity is like a circle (like, say, the circle in a wrestling mat) finite but unbounded, and it is associated in our wrestling system with the negation of the negation. From the perspective of bad infinity, tOSU is infinite and the PSU is finite, and hence there arises a contrast between tOSU and the PSU. We claim that this division is overcome in the perspective of true infinity (and a National Championship next year). Something becomes an other; this other is itself somewhat; therefore it likewise becomes an other, and so on ad infinitum. This infinity is the bad or negative infinity (PSU): it is only a negation of an infinite; but the finite rises again the same as ever, and is never got rid of and absorbed.

Ok, questions from the peanut gallery?
Breaking News: The Ohio State PR team has been hunkered down for the past two months, and they have finally clarified what is meant by "positive infinity", which contrasts of course with "bad" or "spurious" infinity. I quote from T. Ryan's recent press conference. First, the more technical exegesis followed by the simpler explanation.

In common syntactic pattern, dialectical development leads to an endless, back-and-forth process—a bad or “spurious” infinity between two concepts or forms. Ohio State's dialectics cannot rest with spurious infinities. So long as the dialectical process is passing endlessly back and forth between two elements (one tOSU and the other PSU) it is never finished, and the concept or form in play cannot be determined. Spurious infinities must therefore be resolved or stopped, and they are always resolved by a higher-level, more universal concept (tOSU). In some cases, a new, higher-level concept is introduced that stops the spurious infinity (PSU) by grasping the whole, back-and-forth process. Being-for-itself, for instance, is introduced as a new, more universal concept that embraces—and hence stops—the whole, back-and-forth process between “something-others”. However, if the back-and-forth process takes place between a concept and its own content—in which case the concept already embraces the content—then that embracing concept is redefined in a new way that grasps the whole, back-and-forth process. The new definition raises the embracing concept to a higher level of universality—as a totality (an “all”) or as a complete and completed concept.

Stated more simply, a bad infinity (bad, like Penn State Bad) contrasts with true or positive infinity (good like Ohio State Good) which is closely associated with the finite, for something that is infinite in one perspective can also be finite in another. True infinity is like a circle (like, say, the circle in a wrestling mat) finite but unbounded, and it is associated in our wrestling system with the negation of the negation. From the perspective of bad infinity, tOSU is infinite and the PSU is finite, and hence there arises a contrast between tOSU and the PSU. We claim that this division is overcome in the perspective of true infinity (and a National Championship next year). Something becomes an other; this other is itself somewhat; therefore it likewise becomes an other, and so on ad infinitum. This infinity is the bad or negative infinity (PSU): it is only a negation of an infinite; but the finite rises again the same as ever, and is never got rid of and absorbed.

Ok, questions from the peanut gallery?
Theoretically, the circle is not finite due to the vertical aspect. Correct?
Positive Infinity sounds like a brand of heroin the local news reports is responsible for a series of accidental overdoses.
Theoretically, the circle is not finite due to the vertical aspect. Correct?
I believe the circle as a surface is finite but the cylinder (which is the circle projected outward or upward) would not be since it could extend infinitely into space . . . or "positive infinity" whatever that is. In fact, it suggests a hat for tOSU - a cylinder on the head.
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