100% Accurate Big Ten Seeds

He has 5 matches and a 6th Sunday.

If you think his accolades demand he not have to wrestle, and we’re rewarding careers, Kasak is the 1 and Teemer the 2.

This isn’t difficult.
Where did I say that? I think he ends up the 5 seed . But who knows how the coaches vote.I was explaining why he missed a few duals after his injury. He's actually 4-2 and Sunday will be 7 not that it matters just letting you know
No need to be a dickhead, this isn't the cesspool. He lost to Kasak, so not 1, but certainly not 6 or 7 or whatever.
Not trying to be a dickhead, like I said above, it’s not that serious. We’re fans and it’s a message board.

Serious question, how many matches could Teemer (or anyone then) wrestle to where they shouldn’t pay a price in seeds? I get punishing people, but say we give Teemer the 3, aren’t we punishing the 6 just the same? Theoretically that 6 could be the 5, giving Teemer the 6.

Just seems like a lot of worry about it when they’ll all likely be in the big tournament just the same and he’s not this auto loss in the bracket. He’s not garnered that much benefit of the doubt to me like Nolf or Brooks.
Sitting that match — in which he was favored and by all accounts healthy enough to wrestle — is the most damning stat. We all appreciate extenuating circumstances, but the wrestle-one-night, sit-the-next is difficult to look past. The optics are bad on the NW pass.
I’m trying to wrap my head around healthy now but only ducked one match but only wrestled 6 matches.
I’m trying to wrap my head around healthy now but only ducked one match but only wrestled 6 matches.
Wrestled 3 matches and was hurt at the end of November and was off until the end of January. The rest I already explained.
I thought Carter as a 7th seed was appropriate. I thought the NCAA seeding committee then moving him to 9 was rather dumbassed.
Petty. They were clearly trying to make him run a gauntlet of returning national champs.

Of course, if they had merely dropped him 1 spot to 8, then he would've had the same bracket after Round 1. But Sparks was a tougher first opponent than Thompson.

Likewise, if they were merely making a seeding statement, the rules allow a 3-seed swing -- they could've dropped him from 7 to 10, with little effect on his original draw. But that's not what this was about.

It backfired. They pissed off the wrong (for them) guy.
Not trying to be a dickhead, like I said above, it’s not that serious. We’re fans and it’s a message board.

Serious question, how many matches could Teemer (or anyone then) wrestle to where they shouldn’t pay a price in seeds? I get punishing people, but say we give Teemer the 3, aren’t we punishing the 6 just the same? Theoretically that 6 could be the 5, giving Teemer the 6.

Just seems like a lot of worry about it when they’ll all likely be in the big tournament just the same and he’s not this auto loss in the bracket. He’s not garnered that much benefit of the doubt to me like Nolf or Brooks.
I think it is silly to try and make it perfect. If you miss a competition date due to injury, rest, weight or whatever you should get a ding. Being overly concerned about Kyle Snyder getting the 7th seed and therefore punishing the 2nd seed to me is a silly reason to bend over backwards trying to make all things perfect. Either pick a formula and let it spit out the results, let the coaches vote (ie Big10) or let Roar do it. Heck if Roar does it the entire process will receive more thought than it currently does.