12/20/16 - PSU Closes the Theoretical Gap


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
Some have read my comments over the years and concluded I dislike rankings. Not true, or even why would I do my own version (both pre-season, and pre-tournament over the past 8 years or so when Mrs. Roar affords me the time), if I disliked them so.

It's the argumentative, drawers-in-a-bunch, my-position-is-sounder-than-your-position, or worse, characters we sometimes face that causes me, and others, to take the position "relax man, it doesn't mean squat". For respectful (or mostly respectful) conversation, rankings are an awesome tool that opens the door to talk wrestling, unless your source is WIN, of course. Just don't go overboard.

So, based on InterMat Rankings from 12/6, and 12/20, a number of worthless (but fun to mention and discuss) facts occurred.

Just considering theoretical Placement and Advancement Points (no Bonus Points), here's some data;

TEAM -------- 12/6 Points -------- 12/20 Points
Okie State -------- 98 ---------------------- 91
Iowa ---------------- 90.5 ------------------- 90.5
Ohio State -------- 84.5 ------------------- 84.5
Penn State -------- 82 --------------------- 87

Penn State closes the gap on Okie State (16 points behind, to only 4 points behind).
Penn State moves into 3rd (they were behind tOSU, now slightly ahead.
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12/20/16 - PSU Closes the Theoretical Gap

Roar, Vais/CP doesn't provide numbers for the data, but his commentary about this week's Flo Team Rankings basically say the same thing. You can access it at THIS LINK.

His comments are:

"Penn State Inches Closer

With losses from Crutchmer, Piccininni and Rogers, Oklahoma State comes back to the field and now has a very narrow lead over the Nittany Lions."
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Taking it a step beyond my original post, and the work of the Flo's some info on Bonus Points...

2011 - 2016 NCAA Championships (granted, our glory years)
Penn State - 81 Bonus Point Wins, 119 Bonus Points
Okie State - 57 Bonus Point Wins, 77.5 Bonus Points (30% & 35% lower than PSU)
Iowa - 46 Bonus Point Wins, 63 Bonus Points (43% & 47% lower than PSU)
tOSU - 45 Bonus Point Wins, 69 Bonus Points (44% & 42% lower than PSU)
Cornell - 45 Bonus Point Wins, 64.5 Bonus Points (44% & 46% lower than PSU)

Sure, a 6-year compilation doesn’t tell the story of individual years, but it does show the emphasis within the PSU program. I think of it this way…ON AVERAGE, Penn State has had enough Bonus Points over these 6 years, that they represent an EXTRA 7th Place All-American over the 2nd highest bonus point team Oklahoma State…EACH YEAR!!

Individual Year Data (showing 1st and 2nd Place comparison);
In 2016, PSU outpaced OSU in Bonus Points, 23 to 16.
In 2015, tOSU outpaced Iowa in Bonus Points, 19.5 to 12.
In 2014, PSU outpaced Minny in Bonus Points, 18 to 13.6.
In 2013, PSU outpaced OSU in Bonus Points, 29.5 to 21.
In 2012, PSU outpaced Minny in Bonus Points, 25.5 to 16.5.
In 2011, PSU outpaced Cornell in Bonus Points, 16.5 to 14.

2013 was fun. Penn State won by 4, 123.5 to 119.5, over Oklahoma State. The Cowboys showed up to wrestle, and had 17 Bonus Point wins. Penn State had 19. Of those, most of OSU’s were Majors (13), while Penn State’s were Falls (10). The 8.5 Bonus Point differential was part of the story. We offset their 7 AA’s (we had 5), by having 5 finalists, but Bonus Points were also a major difference.

Heaven only knows what will happen in St. Louie. With the parity this year, Bonus Points are going to be a factor IMHO.