Where can we see results from other duels?
Here are some results of the
duals. For results of the
duels, you will need to check the crime section of your local paper.
Round One
Missouri 33 Binghamton 6
125 - Noah Surin (Missouri) tech Nick Curley (Binghamton) 19-0
133 - Anthony Sobotker (Binghamton) fall Connor Brown (Missouri)
141 - Allan Hart (Missouri) dec Ryan Anderson (Binghamton) 4-0
149 - Josh Edmond (Missouri) dec Nick Lombard (Binghamton) 3-2
157 - Jarrett Jacques (Missouri) fall Tyler Martin (Binghamton) 1:01
165 - Keegan O’Toole (Missouri) maj Brevin Cassella (Binghamton) 13-4
174 - Peyton Mocco (Missouri) dec Jacob Nolan (Binghamton) 6-2
184 - Jeremiah Kent (Missouri) dec Sam DePrez (Binghamton) 11-4
197 - Rocky Elam (Missouri) dec Louie DePrez (Binghamton) 4-0
285 - Zach Elam (Missouri) dec Joe Doyle (Binghamton) 4-0
Virginia Tech 35 Hofstra 3
125 - Sam Latona (Virginia Tech) maj Jacob Moon (Hofstra) 11-2
133 - Korbin Myers (Virginia Tech) tech Ty Cymmerman (Hofstra) 18-2
141 - Collin Gerardi (Virginia Tech) dec Justin Hoyle (Hofstra) 4-1
149 - Michael Leandrou (Hofstra) dec Kylan Montgomery (Virginia Tech) 3-1
157 - Collin Brady (Virginia Tech) dec Joe McGinty (Hofstra) 6-3
165 - Clayton Ulrey (Virginia Tech) fall Mario Biancamano (Hofstra) :51
174 - Mekhi Lewis (Virginia Tech) tech Ericson Velasques (Hofstra) 16-0
184 - Hunter Bolen (Virginia Tech) dec Charles Small (Hofstra) 6-3
197 - Dakota Howard (Virginia Tech) dec Trey Rogers (Hofstra) 5-3
285 - Nathan Traxler (Virginia Tech) dec Zachary Knighton-Ward (Hofstra) 7-1
Round Two
Arizona State 42 Hofstra 4
125 - Brandon Courtney (Arizona State) fall Dylan Acevedo (Hofstra) 4:11
133 - Michael McGee (Arizona State) FFT
141 - Jesse Vasquez (Arizona State) dec Justin Hoyle (Hofstra) 14-9
149 - Kyle Parco (Arizona State) tech Michael Leandrou (Hofstra) 17-10
157 - Jacori Teemer (Arizona State) tech Joey McGinty (Hofstra) 18-3
165 - Anthony Valencia (Arizona State) fall Mario Biancamano (Hofstra) :27
174 - Zane Coleman (Arizona State) dec Ross McFarland (Hofstra) 5-2
184 - Charles Small (Hofstra) maj Jacob Ortiz (Arizona State) 10-1
197 - Kordell Norfleet (Arizona State) maj Trey Rogers (Hofstra) 14-3
285 - Cohlton Schultz (Arizona State) maj Zachary Knighton-Ward (Hofstra) 12-3
NC State 35 Binghamton 7
125 - Jakob Camacho (NC State) fall Nick Curley (Binghamton) 5:29
133 - Jarrett Trombley (NC State) InjDef Anthony Sobotker (Binghamton)
141 - Ryan Anderson (Binghamton) dec Hunter Lewis (NC State) 8-2
149 - Tariq Wilson (NC State) dec Nick Lombard (Binghamton) 9-4
157 - Ed Scott (NC State) tech Tyler Martin (Binghamton) 16-1
165 - Thomas Bullard (NC State) dec Brevin Cassella (Binghamton) 6-0
174 - Hayden Hidlay (NC State) maj Jacob Nolan (Binghamton) 12-3
184 - Trent Hidlay (NC State) tech Sam DePrez (Binghamton) 19-4
197 - Louie DePrez (Binghamton) maj Isaac Trumble (NC State) 10-2
285 - Owen Trephan (NC State) dec Joe Doyle (Binghamton) 5-2
Round Three
NC State 19 Missouri 12
125 - Noah Surtin (Missouri) dec Jakob Camacho (NC State) 7-4
133 - Kai Orine (NC State) dec Connor Brown (Missouri) 7-3
141 - Allan Hart (Missouri) dec Ryan Jack (NC State) 9-3
149 - Tariq Wilson (NC State) dec Josh Edmond (Missouri) 11-8
157 - Ed Scott (NC State) dec Jarrett Jacques (Missouri) 3-2
165 - Keegan O’Toole (Missouri) dec Thomas Bullard (NC State) 8-3
174 - Hayden Hidlay (NC State) dec Peyton Mocco (Missouri) 9-5
184 - Trent Hidlay (NC State) maj Jeremiah Kent (Missouri) 13-5
197 - Isaac Trumble (NC State) dec Rocky Elam (Missouri) 5-3
285 - Zach Elam (Missouri) dec Tyrie Houghton (NC State) 6-5
Arizona State 23 Virginia Tech 13
125 - Brandon Courtney (Arizona State) dec Sam Latona (Virginia Tech) 8-4
133 - Michael McGee (Arizona State) dec Korbin Myers (Virginia Tech) 8-7
141 - Jesse Vasquez (Arizona State) dec Collin Gerardi (Virginia Tech) 9-7
149 - Kyle Parco (Arizona State) maj Kylan Montgomery (Virginia Tech) 14-1
157 - Jacori Teemer (Arizona State) dec Connor Brady (Virginia Tech) 3-1
165 - Anthony Valencia (Arizona State) dec Clayton Ulrey (Virginia Tech) 11-9
174 - Mekhi Lewis (Virginia Tech) tech Ryan Rochford (Arizona State) 19-3
184 - Hunter Bolen (Virginia Tech) tech Josh Nummer (Arizona State) 20-2
197 - Kordell Norfleet (Arizona State) maj Dakota Howard (Virginia Tech) 14-3
285 - Nathan Traxler (Virginia Tech) dec Chad Porter (Arizona State) 8-1
Round 4
Cornell 29 Northern Iowa 7
125 - Vito Arujau (Cornell) maj Brody Teske (Northern Iowa) 18-7
133 - Dom Lajoie (Cornell) dec Kyle Biscoglia (Northern Iowa) 4-2
141 - Cael Happel (Northern Iowa) maj Cole Handlovic (Cornell) 14-6
149 - Yianni Diakomihalis (Cornell) maj Colin Realbuto (Northern Iowa) 14-6
157 - Colton Yapoujian (Cornell) dec Derek Holschlag (Northern Iowa) 2-1
165 - Julian Ramirez (Cornell) dec Austin Yant (Northern Iowa) 4-3
174 - Chris Foca (Cornell) dec Pat Shoenfelder (Northern Iowa) 13-6
184 - Parker Keckeisen (Northern Iowa) dec Jonathan Loew (Cornell) 6-2
197 - Jacob Cardenas (Cornell) fall Noah Glaser (Northern Iowa) 5:12
285 - Lewis Fernandes (Cornell) dec Tyrell Gordon (Northern Iowa) 4-0
Lehigh 25 Central Michigan 6
125 - Jaret Lane (Lehigh) dec Brock Bergelin (Central Michigan) 4-3
133 - Jakerion Merritt (Central Michigan) dec Sheldon Seymour (Lehigh) 3-2
141 - Connor McGonagle (Lehigh) dec Dresden Simon (Central Michigan) 7-5
149 - Corbyn Munson (Central Michigan) dec Manzona Bryant (Lehigh) 12-9
157 - Josh Humphreys (Lehigh) maj Johnny Lovett (Central Michigan) 10-1
165 - Brian Meyer (Lehigh) dec Tracy Hubbard (Central Michigan) 3-1SV
174 - Jake Logan (Lehigh) dec Bret Fedewa (Central Michigan) 5-3
184 - AJ Burkhart (Lehigh) dec Ben Cushman (Central Michigan) 8-7
197 - JT Davis (Lehigh) dec Aaron Bolo (Central Michigan) 3-2
285 - Jordan Wood (Lehigh) dec Matt Stencel (Central Michigan) 3-1SV
Round Five
Iowa 44 Central Michigan 0
125 - Spencer Lee (Iowa) tech Brock Bergelin (Central Michigan) 17-0
133 - Austin DeSanto (Iowa) tech Vince Perez (Central Michigan) 16-1
141 - Jaydin Eierman (Iowa) dec Dresden Simon (Central Michigan) 13-12
149 - Max Murin (Iowa) maj Corbyn Munson (Central Michigan) 14-6
157 - Kaleb Young (Iowa) dec Johnny Lovett (Central Michigan) 6-0
165 - Alex Marinelli (Iowa) disq Tracy Hubbard (Central Michigan)
174 - Nelson Brands (Iowa) dec Bret Fedewa (Central Michigan) 8-3
184 - Abe Assad (Iowa) fall Ben Cushman (Central Michigan) 2:22
197 - Jacob Warner (Iowa) dec Aaron Bolo (Central Michigan) 9-4
285 - Tony Cassioppi (Iowa) InjDef Matt Stencel (Central Michigan)
Penn State 29 Northern Iowa 9
125 - Brody Teske (Northern Iowa) dec Jakob Campbell (Penn State) 2-0
133 - Roman Bravo-Young (Penn State) fall Kyle Biscoglia (Northern Iowa) 4:34
141 - Nick Lee (Penn State) maj Cael Happel (Northern Iowa) 18-4
149 - Beau Bartlett (Penn State) dec Tristan Lara (Northern Iowa) 4-3
157 - Derek Holschlag (Northern Iowa) dec Tony Negron (Penn State) 5-2
165 - Austin Yant (Northern Iowa) dec Creighton Edsell (Penn State) 4-1
174 - Carter Starocci (Penn State) maj Pat Schoenfelder (Northern Iowa) 13-4
184 - Aaron Brooks (Penn State) dec Parker Keckeisen (Northern Iowa) 3-2
197 - Max Dean (Penn State) tech Noah Glaser (Northern Iowa) 19-3
285 - Greg Kerkvliet (Penn State) maj Tyrell Gordon (Northern Iowa) 12-1