2021: The Year of PSU CHOKING teams? Consider,..................................


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Maybe the WOMEN'S rugby team can salvage Penn State pride!!


I intentionally left of the Women's softball team due t the fact that they perennially suck big-time!

*That ought to get the discussion juices flowing

Dear Old State; Dear Old State, where have you gone?

Thank the Lord above for Cael and his boys!!
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1. Women's soccer
2. Women's Volleyball
3. Fencing Teams
4. Men's soccer
5. Men's Volleyball
6. PSU football
7. Women's basketball
8. Women's Lacrosse
9. Men's Lacrosse
10. Women's basketball team

Maybe the WOMEN'S rugby team can salvage Penn State pride!!


I intentionally left of the Women's softball team due t the fact that they perennially suck big-time!

*That ought to get the discussion juices flowing

Dear Old State; Dear Old State, where have you gone?

Thank the Lord above for Cael and his boys!!
If you’re going to be consistent about it, Cael and the boys didn’t win anything Big championship or NC.
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Ah, but they did perform beyond expectations sir.

The rest of the teams mentioned, well, you know what happened.
But I would say the expectation for wrestling is at least a Big championship every year, much like OSU football or Bama football.
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No, we knew this was a 'down-year' for Cael and his boys.

The young unknowns came through with flying colors.
So Cael is allowed to have years with lower expectations, but no other coach is. Got it.
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well, the football team has yet to play a game and the men's basketball team is left off the list.
Don't be a shit stirrer

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Consistent 'losing' in big games should not be a trademark of PSU!
Outside of one or two programs, it’s that way for every team. And PSU has done it’s share of losing big games and not so big games for years.
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Judging by the 'collapse' by the teams I above mentioned, some programs can't even sniff our failures let alone successes!
Depends on the sport....most programs have had far more failures than our football program.
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Only to those with unrealistic expectations.
I see your diss. I don’t believe it is an unrealistic expectation to be in the top half of the BIG in all sports. When fans become morose in their expectations, they are willing to accept mediocrity, they don’t contribute (donate), watch, care or have pride in their University. It’s human nature. Sorry, I just don’t agree with you.
I see your diss. I don’t believe it is an unrealistic expectation to be in the top half of the BIG in all sports. When fans become morose in their expectations, they are willing to accept mediocrity, they don’t contribute (donate), watch, care or have pride in their University. It’s human nature. Sorry, I just don’t agree with you.
I guess it depends on which sport we’re talking about when you say mediocre.
Much like going 10-2 and making a NY6 bowl is hardly unimpressive, but Franklin doesn’t get that recognition on this board.
Not similar at all. The wrestling team actually exceeded expectations as many predicted 3-4th place. The team smashed home with 4 National champions and a 2nd place finish that had everyone forgetting Iowa was the champion.
But if you want consistency, I guess you could say both wrestling and football have been incredibly consistent in the last 10 years. In that time Cael has 8 team championships and a 2nd. Can’t really remember being disappointed at all.

as to Women’s Soccer. That was the biggest BS seeding in the NCAA tournament to put PSU as the 17seed. But…yes, it was a disappointing finish.
Maybe someday they can get a bathroom and locker room at Jeffrey Field,,,,or just move the ones from the 5-30 softball field.
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