2024-25 Iowa related discussions, news, etc.

Not sure if this is the best thread for it, but Spencer was on FRL today. I don’t know what it is about him, but he just comes off is so unlikable all the time. Very one track mind, obviously hard on himself, but seems unappreciative and not very GRATEFUL. Said he didn’t really enjoy the standing ovation he got in Kinnick because it was only for Silver.

Also, of note, when asked if he saw himself coaching in the future, he seemed to indicate that that is not necessarily something he’s too interested in.
I agree he can come off a bit aloof at times, but I don't think ungrateful is the right descriptor. I've never heard him denigrate anyone but himself, and he regularly speaks highly of his opponents and teammates. On the standing O, he made a self-deprecating comment that maybe people shouldn't stand for a runner-up finish, but then he went on to say it was humbling and "I love that the Hawkeye fan base still believes in me and loves me and whatnot. . . It was pretty awesome, and I appreciate that Iowa brings me back for things like that. It's an honor."

He is definitely very hard on himself, too hard if you ask me. But I've met him multiple times and seen him in practice and competition a lot. He is probably still a bit uncomfortable speaking publicly, but he is as friendly as can be to fans, and he is typically working hard to help his teammates improve, joking around with them, etc.

Obviously our biases lie at opposite ends of the spectrum, but I truly think you'd like the guy if you met him. Really hope he decides to coach when his competitive career is done.
I agree he can come off a bit aloof at times, but I don't think ungrateful is the right descriptor. I've never heard him denigrate anyone but himself, and he regularly speaks highly of his opponents and teammates. On the standing O, he made a self-deprecating comment that maybe people shouldn't stand for a runner-up finish, but then he went on to say it was humbling and "I love that the Hawkeye fan base still believes in me and loves me and whatnot. . . It was pretty awesome, and I appreciate that Iowa brings me back for things like that. It's an honor."

He is definitely very hard on himself, too hard if you ask me. But I've met him multiple times and seen him in practice and competition a lot. He is probably still a bit uncomfortable speaking publicly, but he is as friendly as can be to fans, and he is typically working hard to help his teammates improve, joking around with them, etc.

Obviously our biases lie at opposite ends of the spectrum, but I truly think you'd like the guy if you met him. Really hope he decides to coach when his competitive career is done.
That is good to hear, because I too do not get a very good feel from him in interviews. Gable was not very good in interviews either though and Cael isn't the greatest.
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Cael isn't the greatest.
(don't know why it's asking that. Click on link and it takes you to article)

I just came across this fascinating expose on Bob Nicolls from 2022. It was published by Bloomberg, and the writers received journalism awards for the piece. His favored eviction attorney, Matthew Chase, is a complete piece of work. Here he is in his own words:

“They shouldn’t have signed a f------ contract for a thousand-dollar-a-month unit for a year if they're too f------ stupid to sign, to know anything, to read the news, to have any idea about their rights,” Chase said.

“They were literate and smart enough and wise enough to sign a contract,” Chase added, “but now they're too ignorant, illiterate and stupid to know the law sufficiently that we have to give them all their defenses? F--- that!”

He said of one tenant: “You're sick because you're morbidly obese. None of that has anything to do with a contract you signed to pay rent, and frankly — don't care. Don't care anymore. And my clients, the landlords, no longer care.”

“We evict grandparents who are poor, evict cancer-stricken people who are attending chemo. It’s sad,” Chase said on his YouTube channel after the first CARES Act eviction moratorium took effect. “What’s sadder is that somebody who purchases property for hundreds of thousands of dollars is given the finger by the law.”

I hope everyone finds the time to read about the guy who has taken over the Iowa program. There is nothing he won't do if his lead attorney says that evicting people on chemo is better for the bottom line. WOW.
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(don't know why it's asking that. Click on link and it takes you to article)

I just came across this fascinating expose on Bob Nicolls from 2022. It was published by Bloomberg, and the writers received journalism awards for the piece. His favored eviction attorney, Matthew Chase, is a complete piece of work. Here he is in his own words:

“They shouldn’t have signed a f------ contract for a thousand-dollar-a-month unit for a year if they're too f------ stupid to sign, to know anything, to read the news, to have any idea about their rights,” Chase said.

“They were literate and smart enough and wise enough to sign a contract,” Chase added, “but now they're too ignorant, illiterate and stupid to know the law sufficiently that we have to give them all their defenses? F--- that!”

He said of one tenant: “You're sick because you're morbidly obese. None of that has anything to do with a contract you signed to pay rent, and frankly — don't care. Don't care anymore. And my clients, the landlords, no longer care.”

“We evict grandparents who are poor, evict cancer-stricken people who are attending chemo. It’s sad,” Chase said on his YouTube channel after the first CARES Act eviction moratorium took effect. “What’s sadder is that somebody who purchases property for hundreds of thousands of dollars is given the finger by the law.”

I hope everyone finds the time to read about the guy who has taken over the Iowa program. There is nothing he won't do if his lead attorney says that evicting people on chemo is better for the bottom line. WOW.
Thanks for sharing....very interesting. I have mixed feelings on this. As much as I sympathize with the real sad cases mentioned, landlords need protections too. There are a lot of deadbeat renters who don't have a hardship and game the system. Because those folks abuse the system it makes it harder for landlords to show mercy on those that truly need it. As I write this I guess they could be more selective in how they apply their policies, e.g. throwing out a chemo patient or an elderly person. That's the problem with a company as large as Monarch no personal touch or sensitivity in certain cases.

For all the needed programs related to housing and small business that were instituted by the government during the pandemic I'm shocked of how many cases of fraud I read about.....still popping up to this day. Again, it's a shame so many took advantage of well meaning aid that in the end hurt the people who really needed it.