2024 Olympic Trials match and discussion thread

Willie is an ignorant jackass who thinks he knows everything. Let's just look at how stupid this tweet is:
1. How does he even know it was a PSU fan? It could just as easily have been a Marsteller fan or any wrestling fan who didn't appreciate the bs he pulled against Mesenbrink.
2. Even if it was a PSU fan does it mean that everything one fan does speaks for the entire fanbase? Does that mean that every person who looks like Uncle Fester is a douchebag know-it-all?
3. Every elite athlete gets booed by rival fans and when he purposefully called out PSU legends he had to expect he'd get some stick from the fans. It's sports, he talked smack and fans shoved it in his face. He was a poor sport when it came to Marsteller, he was an extremely poor sport against Mesenbrink and then Nolf gave him his medicine.
4. The fan wasn't wrong, his career is over. His last memories in the sport of wrestling will be refusing to shake hands with a kid who probably idolized him, belittling the achievement of a wrestler who survived some horrible circumstances to beat him to achieve his goal of making a world team and then getting his ass whipped by a guy who is a legend at a school he constantly disrespects.

Great "champions" who I don't idolize because I don't agree with how they conducted their careers:
Pete Rose
Lance Armstrong
Roger Clemens
Tom Brady
Keith Hernandez
Antonio Margarito
Spencer Lee
Kim Mulkey

He's no better than any of them. Wrestling is supposed to have some honor and you should respect your opponents. He loafed around for waaaay to long to slow down MM's pace, refused to engage and the ref let him do it. MM has flatly said that he'd rather lose than win a match the way Burroughs wrestles.
missing the Brady thought... care to expand? Just curious, that's all...
My two bits on the fan behavior. When you're watching a close and exciting match, your own adrenaline goes sky high and you have to be extra careful about your behavior and what you say. When I was an assistant coach for a high school in WA, I had a very similar situation occur. In a really close and exciting finals match in a tournament, the ref made a call in favor of the other wrester and I just exploded and yelled "You suck ref!". Fortunately , he didn't hear me or I would have been ejected on the spot. As I was driving home later after having calmed down a bit, I started feeling pretty embarrassed by my own behavior. I made a personal commitment to apologize to the ref the next time I saw him which I did a few days later. He was a little puzzled about my apology since he didn't actually hear me, but he knew exactly what call had motivated me and he took the time to explain why he made the call the way he did. The cool part about everything is that we became immediate friends, so my story has a good ending.

The point about my post is that whoever called out to JB might have had a temporary lapse in good judgement caused by an adrenaline rush and blasted out something that they may have later regretted. We don't know that for sure, but it is a possibility.
Just my take.
Burroughs has been a great US wrestling champion. I appreciate his resume. With that said, coming into Penn State's house he has been chirping at a bunch of Penn State wrestling legends and in the past he has chirpped at Penn State's biggest wrestling legend. JB does not appear to be the guy who ever decides to take the high road and bypass the verbal chirp or Twitter drama.

JB felt it necessary to appear to lecture a Penn Stater after defeating him. While competing today he spent more time pulling up his socks than he did wrestling.

Penn State fans could have been more respectful of Burroughs and his past accomplishments. His behavior leading up to today's event and during today's competition and post competition hardly demanded respect though. To put it rather bluntly, JB has been pissing into the wind and is now crying because he pissed on his saggy socks.

Manning leaving the mat with Burroughs after the Mesenbrink match blowing kisses and shouting at fans is hardly in a position to be very judgemental. Mark Manning comes across as a whiney, little blowhard and the fact he needs and expects Willie Saylor to be his apology secretary says enough about Manning. Take Snyder out of the Nebraska program and Nebraska with Manning running the show has the Cornhuskers looking like the Oklahoma Sooners.
My two bits on the fan behavior. When you're watching a close and exciting match, your own adrenaline goes sky high and you have to be extra careful about your behavior and what you say. When I was an assistant coach for a high school in WA, I had a very similar situation occur. In a really close and exciting finals match in a tournament, the ref made a call in favor of the other wrester and I just exploded and yelled "You suck ref!". Fortunately , he didn't hear me or I would have been ejected on the spot. As I was driving home later after having calmed down a bit, I started feeling pretty embarrassed by my own behavior. I made a personal commitment to apologize to the ref the next time I saw him which I did a few days later. He was a little puzzled about my apology since he didn't actually hear me, but he knew exactly what call had motivated me and he took the time to explain why he made the call the way he did. The cool part about everything is that we became immediate friends, so my story has a good ending.

The point about my post is that whoever called out to JB might have had a temporary lapse in good judgement caused by an adrenaline rush and blasted out something that they may have later regretted. We don't know that for sure, but it is a possibility.
Some of the post Nolf v Burroughs behavior could probably be contributed to a decently high volume of consumed beer.
There is a jackass in every arena. The second jackass paints with a broad brush, and assumes jackass#1 has much in common with the rest of the fans there. I deeply respect JB's career, he may be the best ever. His exit not so much, but that is all I will say about that.
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no the fan behavior towards JB was embarrassing this weekend.

there are a lot of amazing PSU fans and many post here. but like any large national fan base, it’s also full of loud morons.
I’m guessing you missed the parts where Manning and JB were jawing with the crowd after every match JB wrestled, right? Is that ok? JB’s tweeting is ok too I’m guessing? He played the heel, and he got the reaction he wanted.

Again, stuff like this is hilarious coming from an Iowa fan. Who the hell are you to judge another fan base? Have you seen your fans? I’d rather some boo’s than a bunch of racists.
Since I'm the one who made the Iowa and Downey comparisons, let me be clear:

I agree with Verk:

I have never booed or heckled athletes. Booing Burroughs during the matches is one thing -- he took multiple lungers and got chippy against a home athlete -- but afterward makes the match about him and not about Jason. I celebrate our guys.

Unfortunately that's unrealistic. It has never happened that way anywhere on earth in any high-stakes, high-intensity event.

So if a few guys yelled at him -- didn't throw batteries or coins at him, didn't slur him, didn't threaten him or his family -- then I'm not getting worked up over a professional athlete getting yelled at. Burroughs will somehow survive. Doesn't make it right, just what it is.

And the public response to those fans was way over the top and mockable. One fan yelling "your career is over" is not newsworthy. It's either an emotional overreaction (which IMO is the case with Willie) or an attempt to smear an entire fanbase by association.
Excellent post. Unfortunately, it's about being an attention freek online for traffic. There's bad blood between the fan base and JB, no doubt about it. There's also a huge difference between someone like J'Den and Jordon. One person in the stands doesn't make a fan base.
This is insane. Oh the PSU fans are horrible for booing the goat. Blah blah blah.

So reverse the roles. We are in Lincoln, Nebraska and Messenbrink hauls off mad hard on the back of JB’s head out of frustration. He also keeps playing with his socks to collect himself during the match. So you saying those fans will not be booing the heck out of Mitchell and screaming stuff at him during and after the match?? Oh I am sure they would have been respectful to Mitchell in JB’s backyard. GTFOH.
I hate how wrestling events always turn into a discussion about proper booing etiquette.

1) JB is a great wrestler.
2) JB took extended breaks, wouldn’t return to center mat, head smashed Messinbrink, was assessed an unsportsmanlike, and deserved to be booed for his petty antics.

The statements can coexist.
This is so hilarious. One guy yells “career over”, which it is, after a great loses to a local favorite and all hell breaks out about fan decorum at a wrestling meet.

Come on man! This ain’t golf or tennis!

Burroughs deserved it no matter his accomplishments which are stellar. He could have simply kept walking up the tunnel and not engaged a loud fan! But he decided to turn around and shout back. Because of that the entire PSU fan base is crap.

Yep, that makes a lot of sense.
It seems these days fewer and fewer are willing to turn the other cheek and maintain the moral high ground. The fear of the perception of being seen as weak may be reaching epidemic proportions.

Like, whatever happened to the notion 'two wrongs don't make a right?'
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This is insane. Oh the PSU fans are horrible for booing the goat. Blah blah blah.

So reverse the roles. We are in Lincoln, Nebraska and Messenbrink hauls off mad hard on the back of JB’s head out of frustration. He also keeps playing with his socks to collect himself during the match. So you saying those fans will not be booing the heck out of Mitchell and screaming stuff at him during and after the match?? Oh I am sure they would have been respectful to Mitchell in JB’s backyard. GTFOH.
They're not comparable. The entire argument is that Burroughs' career insulates him from booing. Mesenbrink does not have that career yet.
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JB is a legendary wrestler and a complete puke of a human being. He has won more than just about everyone, but his style is boring and his act is even more tiring. I want him to retire and go away so I don't have to watch him stand around for 6 minutes and then try and act like he isn't what is ruining wrestling. I wish he would man up and fight Bo or DT so his face would be too swollen to talk for a few weeks. I said it and I'm not sorry.
This is insane. Oh the PSU fans are horrible for booing the goat. Blah blah blah.

So reverse the roles. We are in Lincoln, Nebraska and Messenbrink hauls off mad hard on the back of JB’s head out of frustration. He also keeps playing with his socks to collect himself during the match. So you saying those fans will not be booing the heck out of Mitchell and screaming stuff at him during and after the match?? Oh I am sure they would have been respectful to Mitchell in JB’s backyard. GTFOH.

I hate how wrestling events always turn into a discussion about proper booing etiquette.

1) JB is a great wrestler.
2) JB took extended breaks, wouldn’t return to center mat, head smashed Messinbrink, was assessed an unsportsmanlike, and deserved to be booed for his petty antics.

The statements can coexist.
Both of you nailed it!

I’m a PSU fan. I can give a rats ass if fans of other teams are upset that I booed JB.

I love Willie and Basch, but I can really care less about their opinions on this. I don’t hold it against them, just agree to disagree and move on
Am I the only one here who, like JB, is curious about what the attendee who yelled "career is over" has accomplished in their own career and life?

If you're out there and read this, would you please reply?
Is there a career threshold that makes the heckling acceptable to Burroughs and the wrestling media?

"Hey Jordan, I'm an astronaut."
"Oh, OK then, heckle me as much as you want."
Tomorrow is here and I can't wait either. While the wrestling was fantastic, the craziest moment of the day from my seat was when Spencer's Mom and Larry were walking up the steps in my section. First I saw a big LEE on Larry's shirt and then Mom right behind him, no glasses. I elbowed by brother and said "That's Spencer Lee's mom. Then, spontaneously, everyone around us, including the older lady next to us, started taking their glasses off and reaching into their pockets for their glasses and holding them out. I don't think Mom saw this. I almost passed out laughing.
Manning has every right to be upset. Carter did steal Bubba Wilson’s National Championship.
Petty GIF by AnimatedText
Tomorrow is here and I can't wait either. While the wrestling was fantastic, the craziest moment of the day from my seat was when Spencer's Mom and Larry were walking up the steps in my section. First I saw a big LEE on Larry's shirt and then Mom right behind him, no glasses. I elbowed by brother and said "That's Spencer Lee's mom. Then, spontaneously, everyone around us, including the older lady next to us, started taking their glasses off and or reaching into their pockets for their glasses and holding them out. I don't think Mom saw this. I almost passed out laughing.
Please, tell me this didn't really happen.
I didn't like the singlet pull rule unless it is used in the act of a scoring move. A 'benign' unintentional pull is just that.

Then again I hate criteria. The victor should always be determined based upon actively according more points than the opponent. So you have a lot of OT matches, so what!
Totally agree. Why does how one score matter? Wrestler until one wins with points.
I didn't like the singlet pull rule unless it is used in the act of a scoring move. A 'benign' unintentional pull is just that.

Then again I hate criteria. The victor should always be determined based upon actively according more points than the opponent. So you have a lot of OT matches, so what!
I might agree with the first point if it also included defensive pulls -- but either way we make the refs judge intent. Sometimes it's not going to be that obvious.

For those who don't like criteria, go to confession and tell the priest that for contrition you'll watch the Suriano-Fix 26-minute HS match on a loop for a full day.
Imagine if Spencer makes the Olympics how the entire world will get to see his mom make a spectacle of herself. Yes, wrestling fans have seen the video but with the Olympics it will include a couple of billion more people.
Is there a career threshold that makes the heckling acceptable to Burroughs and the wrestling media?

"Hey Jordan, I'm an astronaut."
"Oh, OK then, heckle me as much as you want."
IDK, ask JB. He's the one who asked the question. But yeah, I might give "cured cancer" a pass.
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Am I the only one here who, like JB, is curious about what the attendee who yelled "career is over" has accomplished in their own career and life?

If you're out there and read this, would you please reply?
Why? It doesn't make JB a better human being. 2 things that never go on my pedestal or get worship. Athletes and fking politicians. Ya know who does? People that defend my country, and those that risk their lives for others. Gold medals don't make the man a better man than someone else. If that were the case, folks like Armstrong, Tiger, OJ and hundreds of others would still be heroes. A hero is a great parent, not money and medals.
All these people talking crap on social media about Mitchell, saying he deserved the head smash for wrestling after the whistle and all.

How dare they after all Mitchell has accomplished in wrestling. Junior world champ, NCAA finalist as a freshman, etc.

Is that how this works?
Excellent post. Unfortunately, it's about being an attention freek online for traffic. There's bad blood between the fan base and JB, no doubt about it. There's also a huge difference between someone like J'Den and Jordon. One person in the stands doesn't make a fan base.
If these guys want no harassment, or comments from friends in the stands, why do we even allow people in? Why have people even watch these things? You want people to care about the sport and be passionate sbout the sport but not even make a peep?

Maybe we should just not have sports so people behave? Or maybe these guys should get a thicker skin and understand that college or freestyle wrestling isn’t more special than hockey, basketball, football. Tom Brady must have a skin made out of about 100 foot titanium with the kind of violent rhetoric that’s been thrown at him compared to a guy like Jordan Burroughs.

For burrows, my wife who knows nothing about wrestling made a comment that he sure takes a lot of time pulling up his socks. She asked 35 year old man can’t buy better socks. I said that Mitchell pushes the pace hard and he’s older and he’s just stalling.
Please, tell me this didn't really happen.
Yes, It really did happen, including the older lady. It's really unfortunate that the most recognized woman's face in wrestling is not Maroulis or Gray, or Blades, or Hildebrant, but Spencer's Mom.