6'5"......6'9" with the Afro...

Ah the good old NBA/ ABA days!



Baseball had em too! Oscar Gamble


And if you want a great and funny read, try this book about the ABA

Anybody have any shots of those old ABA basketball cards? I'll take anything with super fly afro's, or way cool mutton chop side burns, chuck taylor sneaks, etc...

I'm thinking Jan Van Bredakolf, Dave Bing, Dr J, Cazzie Russell, Ernie D, etc...
Anybody have any shots of those old ABA basketball cards? I'll take anything with super fly afro's, or way cool mutton chop side burns, chuck taylor sneaks, etc...

I'm thinking Jan Van Bredakolf, Dave Bing, Dr J, Cazzie Russell, Ernie D, etc...




Of all the things from my childhood, the thing that disapponts me most was our careless treatment of those Classic ABA basketballs. My friend's dad was an NBA ref who then made the switch over to the ABA. My friend literally had hundreds of the official leather balls. We would take them and play outside and then just leave them behind on the courts since the leather balls would get pretty scuffed up. How I dish we would have treated them the way they should have been treated.

Philly area, trivia question is to name the ref - circa 1970 as a point of reference.