A Little Tough to Swallow

I hear Sandy has "redecorated" her office twice since she has come to town.......including the addition of a $13,000 big screen.......the same office Tim Curley was satisfied with having a desk and conference table in and nothing fancy.........since he spent time on the move doing his job. I also hear Sandy hasn't had time to take the Cali plates off her Lexus yet.
I also hear Sandy hasn't had time to take the Cali plates off her Lexus yet.

"Resident." A person dwelling permanently or continuously for a period exceeding 60 consecutive days within this Commonwealth, except that a person who regularly dwells in two or more states shall declare residence to be in any one of the states.

1301. Registration and certificate of title required.

(a) Driving unregistered vehicle prohibited.--No person shall drive or move and no owner or motor carrier shall knowingly permit to be driven or moved upon any highway any vehicle which is not registered in this Commonwealth unless the vehicle is exempt from registration.

(b) Proof of residency.--A person charged under this section has the burden of proving that he is a nonresident whenever he asserts a defense based on section 1303 (relating to vehicles of nonresidents exempt from registration). If he produces at the office of the issuing authority satisfactory proof that he is a nonresident and is in compliance with section 1303 within five days after being charged with a violation of this section, the issuing authority shall dismiss the charge.

(d) Penalty.--Any person violating the provisions of subsection (a) is guilty of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $75 or double the registration fee, whichever is greater, except when the vehicle was previously registered in this Commonwealth within 60 days of the commission of the offense whereupon the fine shall be $25.

Let's tighten this up (if applicable, of course.) We could be facing more death penalty sanctions here for non-compliance. Geo. Mitchell is weeping.
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I hear Sandy has "redecorated" her office twice since she has come to town.......including the addition of a $13,000 big screen.......the same office Tim Curley was satisfied with having a desk and conference table in and nothing fancy.........since he spent time on the move doing his job. I also hear Sandy hasn't had time to take the Cali plates off her Lexus yet.

Why the **** does an AD need that kind of TV? Too busy to go to the games?
Why the **** does an AD need that kind of TV? Too busy to go to the games?
I hear Sandy has "redecorated" her office twice since she has come to town.......including the addition of a $13,000 big screen.......the same office Tim Curley was satisfied with having a desk and conference table in and nothing fancy.........since he spent time on the move doing his job. I also hear Sandy hasn't had time to take the Cali plates off her Lexus yet.
In 140 characters or less, can someone "Tweet" this info to Pantsuit Sandy (aka Rainbow Queen)?
If you should run over 140 characters, just continue on with another tweet to her roommate (JDG).
A $13,000 TV?

Does anyone seriously believe that there IS such a thing? Please. Other than something big enough for a stadium, that is. Is her office 60 feet high?

How do stories like that get passed along and accepted as fact?

I get the bitterness, but use a little common sense.
This thread is the perfect marriage of the band nerds and the AD haters. Could go 10 pages?

PS- on what planet is 2 nights an 'in and out trip'
Do you really think Sandy COULDN'T spend 13 K on a big screen, which I'm sure would include a state of the art sound system. Who is the naive one here? The only thing I will say about the source is it came from a person that was in the office when it belonged to Curly, and also now that it belongs to our very special friend Sandy. The "rumor" was told directly to me by that person. If you want documented facts of everything you here on a message board.........then why are you here. Do you really expect to hear people name their source?
Not sure, but it sounds like you think that is's not, certainly not for a destination so close.

PSU has done it in the past as well, even for some "far off" sites. The players, generally, love it. They get XX dollars for travel (usually prevailing air fare rates) then they can carpool down on the cheap and pocket the cash for spending money.

More often than not though, especially for big games, the coaches want to make sure they have the entire squad herded together and can be assured they will all get there safe and sound....rather than worry about all the guys arriving on time and in one piece
What's your point? If the regular students are out of school you can reimburse the players travel from their homes to SC to take a charter plus their expenses back home, so what?? We are trying to determine if the BB busing to the game is making their lives a living hell It's really just an excuse to bitch about the admin at PSU So be it. I really could care less. I am only concerned about the FB team showing up
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Do you really think Sandy COULDN'T spend 13 K on a big screen, which I'm sure would include a state of the art sound system. Who is the naive one here? The only thing I will say about the source is it came from a person that was in the office when it belonged to Curly, and also now that it belongs to our very special friend Sandy. The "rumor" was told directly to me by that person. If you want documented facts of everything you here on a message board.........then why are you here. Do you really expect to hear people name their source?
Certainly not- I just tend not to believe unnamed sources, tweets, internet blogs, etc. According to my sources, 87% of facts and figures thus reported are simply made up.

As to why I'm here, it's free entertainment. Not great, but free.
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Certainly not- I just tend not to believe unnamed sources, tweets, internet blogs, etc. According to my sources, 87% of facts and figures thus reported are simply made up.

As to why I'm here, it's free entertainment. Not great, but free.
Certainly worth every penny.
What's your point? If the regular students are out of school you can reimburse the players travel from their homes to SC to take a charter plus their expenses back home, so what?? We are trying to determine if the BB busing to the game is making their lives a living hell It's really just an excuse to bitch about the admin at PSU So be it. I really could care less. I am only concerned about the FB team showing up

LOL.....simmer down, Junior Mint.

I could care less about it, I was just pointing out to you that it was not some rare practice (in case you didn't know). I know a lot of the kids loved that option and it's certainly no skin off my nose - so it's all good as far as I am concerned

I also don't think it's some tragedy if the Blue Band takes the bus. If you were not so completely obtuse and oblivious to the point...another mouth-breathing would see that the point has nothing to do with whether or not the BB took the bus, but rather is centered upon "what happens to the $2,000,000 intended to be - for the kids". LOL

Or, flip out about shit we AGREE on. :). If it makes you feel better.
Certainly not- I just tend not to believe unnamed sources, tweets, internet blogs, etc. According to my sources, 87% of facts and figures thus reported are simply made up.

As to why I'm here, it's free entertainment. Not great, but free.

87 percent???? Scully and Mulder give you that number?? Or Paul Pierce??