Just change the name if you don't want chop chants and foam tomahawks. Don't ban the stuff a day before a freaking game. Sheesh.You're honestly saying that the Braves players were too rapt in "Libtard wokeness", and that's why they were trounced
Just change the name if you don't want chop chants and foam tomahawks. Don't ban the stuff a day before a freaking game. Sheesh.You're honestly saying that the Braves players were too rapt in "Libtard wokeness", and that's why they were trounced
Franklin and Sutherland both handled this...everyone else should let it go. Nothing like over kill.
So not liking the chain makes someone a racist...got it.
This whole thing is getting out of hand. I support Franklin standing up for his players but I do not support the players fueling the fire.
sOmEbOdY tHiNk Of ThE cHiLdReN!!!!!!!!This whole thing is getting out of hand. I support Franklin standing up for his players but I do not support the players fueling the fire.
These guys follow racism like we all used to follow recruiting. I'm pretty sure I'm a 4-star racist/homophobe in Dem's database.he is the most tolerant person on the board ... and he forbids you from disagreeing with him
Just change the name if you don't want chop chants and foam tomahawks. Don't ban the stuff a day before a freaking game. Sheesh.
Turn it up!You didn't answer the question. It appears you're letting your emotions get the best of you, and allowing your frustrations to cause you to say things that aren't very intelligent or well thought out.
Does “Sweet Jeebzus” now represent the full extent of your responsive abilities?Sweet Jeebzus.
??? I'll do my best.Use your words.
??? I'll do my best.
Da-na-na-na-na. Da-na-na. DA-NA-NA-NA-NA. DA-NA-NA
it's tongue in cheek. it's basically a joke. enjoy it. These players are 19-21 year olds, we 60-year-olds don't speak their language ok?This whole thing is getting out of hand. I support Franklin standing up for his players but I do not support the players fueling the fire.
Wait a minute.No Asshole
I don't think the two are in opposition. It won't affect their preparation. To the extent it has any effect at all on tomorrow's game, it would be to energize and rally the players. I can't see any downside really.It’s a shame that these next 2 weeks could be a huge step for the program but they’ve let some old bum in Johnstown write the narrative for the week with his idiotic letter. Hope they’ve at least spent some time focusing on the Hawkeyes
First of all....and I apologize if it's already been said...but I did not want to keep reading the crap from the first two pages...still how did piercings and tattoos get mixed in with dreads. The idiot's letter was solely about the dreads. Who brought mangled noses, chins, eyes, ears, cheeks, tongues and private parts into the mix? Did Peterson write another letter...this time to Dennis Rodman? Plus, doesn't OSU already have a corner on the market for tattoos? Oh...sorry...only the free tatts...I forgot. Why is this issue still alive and walking anyway?
The letter writer did (maybe not piercings but he did tattoos). His last sentence ended with "... we have stopped watching the NFL due to the disgusting,[sic] tattoos, awful hair and immature antics in the end zone."
It absolutely could be a distraction...I’m not saying it will be, but there’s definitely a potential downside.I don't think the two are in opposition. It won't affect their preparation. To the extent it has any effect at all on tomorrow's game, it would be to energize and rally the players. I can't see any downside really.
It absolutely could be a distraction...I’m not saying it will be, but there’s definitely a potential downside.
According to the fascists they are......
Mussolini, Hitler, Hirohito, Stalin.. name two things they had in common.....
I agree. Anytime you start to bring identity politics into the locker room, there is a real chance for team division. Especially at a place like Penn State where the stereotypical culture has always been 180 degrees opposite of "chains, tattoos, and dreads". And I mean that in a 1986 clean cut Miami/Penn State stereotypical way. Not some kind of fu(ked up "racial" way.
If some Pitt fan would have worn that shirt into the stadium just a month ago, we would have been all over him like sh!t on Shinola.
This whole thing is getting out of hand. I support Franklin standing up for his players but I do not support the players fueling the fire.
Awww sniffle sniffle - poor bdgan. What a surprise. A rightie doesn't like people pushing back against bigotry/racism.
I am a big proponent of the scientific method.
The only way to settle this -- to ascertain whether this is about hair length/dreads or skin color -- is to get a white player to grow his hair to the same length and style it in dreadlocks. We then get Mr. Peterson to state whether either or both is unacceptable.
I will buy in to whatever the results say.
All these explanations kind of point to it being the opposite of Occam’s razor.I'm a big proponent of Occam's razor. Since hippies (with dreads) probably make up about < 0.01% of all people in the world with dreads, and 0% of the are, or ever were, PSU football players, and dreads are an African/Black cultural trait, Occam's razor makes a very strong case here.
- I was openly critical of Petersen aiming his comments directly at a specific player.
- Disagreeing with long hair, chains, etc. is not racist. Is the military racist? Are the New York Yankees racist? I don't understand why some people are so quick to make everything about race. I don't know what's in Petersen's heart. Neither do you.
All these explanations kind of point to it being the opposite of Occam’s razor.
- I was openly critical of Petersen aiming his comments directly at a specific player.
- Disagreeing with long hair, chains, etc. is not racist. Is the military racist? Are the New York Yankees racist? I don't understand why some people are so quick to make everything about race. I don't know what's in Petersen's heart. Neither do you.
Occam’s razor points to the explanation with the least assumptions is likely the right one then you list a bunch of assumptions. Occam’s razor points to Petersen is just an asshole.What "explanations" do you think you are reading?
Get woke, go broke. Ask the Braves how their compassion for people offended by foam hatchets worked out for them last night. We've lost our minds. Sorry.
Take Iowa and the points.