So let's see if I got this about right... the new format will appeal to a younger, more mobile generation... whose knowledge of JVP is likely formed by espn, msm, and our BOT... and less so by any knowledge of the man (sure, it's a large generalization, but it's pretty close to the mark).. and as time progresses, you'll have even less people who know a thing about JVP. Just some old man who got caught up in a sex thing with kids and used to be the coach.
In the meantime, you're losing the long-time folks (both to the new format and father time) who grew up with JVP and know exactly what he did for this program and this university... who can explain it and put perspective on what was and what the new "is".. is.
that 'bout it? sounds more like an alternate version of "move along" to me.
and this whole "free" thing is kind of a joke.. it was ALWAYS free. the value added came from the participants who made this an amazing refuge (and better than google)... i understand that rivals mgmt get to make heir own rules and that's just how it's gonna be... but for "most" of us (in due time, the "us" demographic will no doubt change), something was clearly lost. and that is too bad.
imo, of course.