Academic Rankings-How does PSU move up?

I seem to remember the ranking go up after someone challenged the BOTs to do a better job!? Unfortunately that person is no longer around to kick them in the arse. And we all know Buffet Baron doesn’t have the balls to do or say anything meaningful. I suspect the number will continue to drop with the current “leadership”.

Being rude doesn’t help.

They move up in academic rankings the same way they move up in football rankings - recruiting. If you can attract and retain the leading professors in their fields of study, the best students will want to come and learn from them, do research with them, work with them, etc. What does it take to attract these faculty? Same as many businesses - compensation, perks, amenities, facilities, and the academic support of the organization. The hiring of Nina Jablonski is a good example.
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I hear what you're saying.... but the large majority of the Administration $$$$$ is paid to folks who haven't ever stepped foot in a classroom, in their lives (at least not in FRONT of a classroom) and those who may have, almost certainly are decades removed from any such activities.

Putting any of them in a classroom would be nothing but a disservice to the kids in the seats.

Assuming you agree that the people at the top will never fire these jokers, what should be done to get some value from them? Tar and feathering is not an option either :D
Based on the responses to another thread on here the obvious answer is having Baron write a letter to Sports Illustrated.
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Except the article specifically mention 2+2 students. Almost all of whom have lower HS qualifications than those admitted directly to main.

It's a bogus ranking.
One could argue 2+2 students have other reasons not to be at main. Painting a broad brush like that "they have lower HS quals" is misguided at best. Especially since a majority are forced to Branch because dear Old State wants the sons and daughters of other states and their OS tuition
The bottom line is that Graham Spanier had a vision for the university and the current president does not. This does not mean that Spanier should still have a job - he should not - but they should have found a better successor.

The search that led to Barron was horrendous and I am embarrassed that we have such mediocre people on the BOT.

The PSU BOT needs two things that will never happen: 1) the governor and political appointees need to be permanently removed from the board; 2) the current board members need to be fired and replaced with people who have achieved something besides owning some mickey mouse local business.

It's embarrassing to even say things like this about a university that seemed so much better off just 20 years ago
One could argue 2+2 students have other reasons not to be at main. Painting a broad brush like that "they have lower HS quals" is misguided at best. Especially since a majority are forced to Branch because dear Old State wants the sons and daughters of other states and their OS tuition

That's partly true ...

But if PSU really wanted to push back, they'd need to use the data they have to analyze some of the sub groups at PSU:

1) All 4 yrs students system wide
2) All 4 year UP only
3) schreyer students only

I would expect Schreyer to be competitive with any school on the metrics used.

I would expect 4 yr UP to be top 50 at least.

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