You rang? I'll offer some perspective as on old timer.
Penn State's legacy of LBs was built in the 60's with guys who moved from DE at PSU to LB in the NFL. Bob Mitinger, Dave Robinson, and Ralph Baker were likely the founders.
By the mid-70's, Penn State sent guys like John Ebersole Jack Ham, Doug Allen, Gene Gladys, Tom Hull, Bruce Bannon, John Skorupan, Greg Buttle, Jim Laslavic, Ed O'Neil, Kurt Allerman, Ron Crosby, and Chris Devlin to play LB in the NFL. The list doesn't even include the best LB in PSU history (only my opinion, of course) -- 2-time All American Dennis Onkotz, who suffered a career-ending injury with the Jets.
It was around that time in the mid-70s that Howard Cosell tagged Penn State as "Linebacker U." on a MNF telecast that featured several ex-Lions at LB. The moniker was not created by a Penn State PR machine.
Joe Paterno built his defenses with speed ... long before Miami made it famous. Guys like Frank Spaziani and Onkotz moved from QB to LB ... other examples include Mike Reid from FB to DT, Bruce Clark and Matt Millen from LB to DT, and Shane Conlan from S to LB.
ESPN can blather all it wants and anoint any trendy program with a title, but just as Muhammed Ali will always be known as "The Greatest," so, too, will Penn State always be known as "Linebacker U."