Al Lord withdrawls from PSU trustee race

Barry, I say this as someone who has enjoyed your posts in the past . . .

your conduct on the PS4RS livestream today was beyond pathetic and childish

I've lost all respect for you. You're no longer in a position to criticize ANY candidate for the BoT.
Barry, I say this as someone who has enjoyed your posts in the past . . .

your conduct on the PS4RS livestream today was beyond pathetic and childish

I've lost all respect for you. You're no longer in a position to criticize ANY candidate for the BoT.
That "Town Hall" was 1,000 times more disheartening than Lubert 34-0

If your "angst" over the days events is directed at me - rather than the PATHETIC excuses for "responsible governors" that we saw on display today ........if that be the prevailing notion, if that be the standard of "accountability" that we hold our proxies to? Well, if that be the case (and I still hope that it isn't) then it is no wonder we are worse off now than we were 5 years ago.
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That "Town Hall" was 1,000 times more disheartening than Lubert 34-0

If your "angst" over the days events is directed at me - rather than the PATHETIC excuses for "responsible governors" that we saw on display today ........if that be the prevailing notion, if that be the standard of "accountability" that we hold our proxies to? Well, if that be the case (and I still hope that it isn't) then it is no wonder we are worse off now than we were 5 years ago.

you owe them an apology. just man up.
I take it PS4RS isn't endorsing Barry?
PS4RS isn't officially endorsing anyone...... at least that was the "public statement" prior to ALord resignation

That may change now. now that they can endorse Jay - without "un-endorsing" any of the incumbents.

But, it doesn't matter either way.

The odds of the "3" NOT being Pope/Jubi/Jay are less than one in a gazillion.
the trustees at the forum. and PS4RS.

your behavior was childish and reprehensible.

I expect it from Moron John. You should be better than this.

I get it - you have moved 2000 miles away & no longer really care to much about what the University does day - to -day. There's just a single issue for you.

For people much closer, that issue is BIG, I admit. But it's far far from the only one, and it's certainly not the most pressing thing today. There's a whole institution & deep problems to deal with & I agree wholeheartedly with Barry on this.
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the trustees at the forum. and PS4RS.

your behavior was childish and reprehensible.

I expect it from Moron John. You should be better than this.
What do you have a problem with?

Alternating between laughing and crying when:

Mr Sunshine Law - but "I asked Lubert the tough questions ..... behind closed doors" started to beat his "I know how to get things done in Harrisburg" drum
And praised Corman as a valuable leader?

Or when our "10 years of college" Trustee showed - again - that in all that time she never found her way into a "add/ subtract/ multiply/ divide" math course?
And did the old "blame the high cost of tuition on the PA appropriation" nonsense - within 3 seconds of the time I "called it"? (That was classic :) )
[An issue which, BTW, I had just fully laid out in a video over on FB earlier this week....she coulda' just asked :) In fact, I had given her that info before ]

Or when Al decided in midstream, after three years, and taking up time and space on the stage, that he "weren't really all that durn' interested in that governance thingy" after all?

Somewhere in there?
Somewhere in there is where you got a problem?

If that's the case, you may have a kinda' funny way of viewing "problems". :)
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That "Town Hall" was 1,000 times more disheartening than Lubert 34-0

If your "angst" over the days events is directed at me - rather than the PATHETIC excuses for "responsible governors" that we saw on display today ........if that be the prevailing notion, if that be the standard of "accountability" that we hold our proxies to? Well, if that be the case (and I still hope that it isn't) then it is no wonder we are worse off now than we were 5 years ago.
Uh. WE are NOT worse off than we were 5 years ago. That statement is simply - DUMB!
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Uh. WE are NOT worse off than we were 5 years ago. That statement is simply - DUMB!
You and I - I'd be willing to bet the mortgage money - are not even talking about the same thing

So, calling my statement (which ain't even debatable) "dumb", is just.............. Dumb :)
I understand Barry's perspective. The fecklessness with which the A9 have approached issues such as administrative bloat (it is enormous at PSU) and the dorms at Philly-area branch campuses discouraged the heck out of me. These are big money issues that need, but are not getting, responsible stewardship.

But... and like Kim Kardashian's, this is a big but... the constant profanity and personal attacks that surround Barry's legitimate points keep those points from ever getting the hearing they deserve. If you need to lash out, go out into the woods and yell. If you want to create change, act and communicate in public like a professional.
You and I - I'd be willing to bet the mortgage money - are not even talking about the same thing

So, calling my statement (which ain't even debatable) "dumb", is just.............. Dumb :)
I'm sure we are. You are just in, thank god, that small minority that likes to shout about "injustice". My Penn State is doing quite fine, Thank You. Oh, and the football team is a WHOLE lot more fun to watch, too.
What do you have a problem with?

Alternating between laughing and crying when:

Mr Sunshine Law - but "I asked Lubert the tough questions ..... behind closed doors" started to beat his "I know how to get things done in Harrisburg" drum
And praised Corman as a valuable leader?

Or when our "10 years of college" Trustee showed - again - that in all that time she never found her way into a "add/ subtract/ multiply/ divide" math course?
And did the old "blame the high cost of tuition on the PA appropriation" nonsense - within 3 seconds of the time I "called it"? (That was classic :) )
[An issue which, BTW, I had just fully laid out in a video over on FB earlier this week....she coulda' just asked :) In fact, I had given her that info before ]

Or when Al decided in midstream, after three years, and taking up time and space on the stage, that he "weren't really all that durn' interested in that governance thingy" after all?

Somewhere in there?
Somewhere in there is where you got a problem?

If that's the case, you may have a kinda' funny way of viewing "problems". :)

Barry.... Good Grief!

Your video was simultaneously spot on but also misleading.

Tuition costs $12K something
BS Fees + Books add $2-3K something

Your figure of $17K something includes meals. Lets please remove meals from the story as it overestimates the valid points you make. People will have to eat & will spend $3-4K/year on meals if they are in college, at Penn State, staying at home, or whatever.

The real tuition+BS fees+books is $14K & change.
NOWHERE??? Are You crazy?? The world now takes on the horror of Child rape with a seriousness it should have prior to these events. Protections are in place not solely due to NCAA penalties but efforts by agencies around the world working together with Penn State. The university has supported these efforts locally and nationally because they are warranted. The only thing that's worse about Penn State 5 years later, are people like you. Good God. I'm thankful that I am surrounded by different thinking Penn State fans, friends and alumni.

Penn State is an educational institution of higher learning. It's FANTASTIC that PSU is helping awareness of CSA. But that's not the primary mission of the SCHOOL.
Penn State is an educational institution of higher learning. It's FANTASTIC that PSU is helping awareness of CSA. But that's not the primary mission of the SCHOOL.
No. It's not. I'm just proud of my school unlike some. That's all.
No. It's not. I'm just proud of my school unlike some. That's all.
You're not proud of your school

You have a hard on, because pulling your pud while "your" football team wins a game makes you feel like a complete human.
Better than that actually, it makes you feel like you actually accomplished something.

You're pathetic....... but you're happy

Good for you.
Curley and Schultz throwing in the towel was the nail in the coffin. Also didnt help that spanier didnt take the stand and his lawyer didnt even put up a fight. It IS time to move forward.

Except that Spanier will appeal. And the Paternos are still suing the ncaa.
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Except that Spanier will appeal. And the Paternos are still suing the ncaa.
And ......... in an ABSOLUTE BEST CASE OUTCOME ......... wtf can either of those do?


Spanier "gets off on a technicality"? As if anyone cares

And JVP's estate is able to say "The NCAA is not nice"?

I mean - if someone thinks that's important, far be it for me to say they shouldn't feel that way. More power to 'em.

Unfortunately, I am quite confident that a lot of folks think (or delude themselves into thinking) that there is something more to those "legal proceedings" than what I just listed.
But that simply is NOT true.
And ......... in an ABSOLUTE BEST CASE OUTCOME ......... wtf can either of those do?


Spanier "gets off on a technicality"? As if anyone cares

And JVP's estate is able to say "The NCAA is not nice"?

I mean - if someone thinks that's important, far be it for me to say they shouldn't feel that way. More power to 'em.

Unfortunately, I am quite confident that a lot of folks think (or delude themselves into thinking) that there is something more to those "legal proceedings" than what I just listed.
But that simply is NOT true.

Jeez Barry. Second time today we agree.
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What do you have a problem with?

Alternating between laughing and crying when:

Mr Sunshine Law - but "I asked Lubert the tough questions ..... behind closed doors" started to beat his "I know how to get things done in Harrisburg" drum
And praised Corman as a valuable leader?

Or when our "10 years of college" Trustee showed - again - that in all that time she never found her way into a "add/ subtract/ multiply/ divide" math course?
And did the old "blame the high cost of tuition on the PA appropriation" nonsense - within 3 seconds of the time I "called it"? (That was classic :) )
[An issue which, BTW, I had just fully laid out in a video over on FB earlier this week....she coulda' just asked :) In fact, I had given her that info before ]

Or when Al decided in midstream, after three years, and taking up time and space on the stage, that he "weren't really all that durn' interested in that governance thingy" after all?

Somewhere in there?
Somewhere in there is where you got a problem?

If that's the case, you may have a kinda' funny way of viewing "problems". :)
Do you think you should be one of the "Final 3" and if so, why!
Do you think you should be one of the "Final 3" and if so, why!
Good f-ing grief

Go to "Barry Fenchak for Trustee" and you'll find 1,000 times the case being made than for any other "candidate"........ of course you knew that - - - but that's not what you actually care about - is it.

Or - you could just STFU

Either of those two would seem to be reasonable options.
Unless you are enough of a complete douchebag (gee, that would be a shocker) to sit back on your lazy ass jerking your pud all day - - - - and then piss and moan about the one person actually trying to do one damn righteous thing for the University.

I think we know where you fall into line.
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I get it - you have moved 2000 miles away & no longer really care to much about what the University does day - to -day. There's just a single issue for you.

For people much closer, that issue is BIG, I admit. But it's far far from the only one, and it's certainly not the most pressing thing today. There's a whole institution & deep problems to deal with & I agree wholeheartedly with Barry on this.
You have no right whatsoever to say this. Shame on you!
I can't fault Lord for his comments. But once again, the media and imbeciles run with the false narrative. Lord clearly stated he is displeased with the way the BoT is being run. Aside from trolls and imbeciles, the majority of Penn Staters are as well. The BoT will not see meaningful change unless Legislators are convinced they will be voted out if they do not address the issue. Or unless some lawyer alumni grows a set, and ceases fearing being tossed down a minseshaft for bringing action against the BoT. Cowardice and lies will continue to prevail unless there is a change from the benefit of a few as opposed to the benefit of the many. The BoT protection racket has to end.
Barry.... Good Grief!

Your video was simultaneously spot on but also misleading.

Tuition costs $12K something
BS Fees + Books add $2-3K something

Your figure of $17K something includes meals. Lets please remove meals from the story as it overestimates the valid points you make. People will have to eat & will spend $3-4K/year on meals if they are in college, at Penn State, staying at home, or whatever.

The real tuition+BS fees+books is $14K & change.
2016-17 tuition UP PA residents was $17900, not including fees and me I know....
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Good f-ing grief

Go to "Barry Fenchak for Trustee" and you'll find 1,000 times the case being made than for any other "candidate"........ of course you knew that - - - but that's not what you actually care about - is it.

Or - you could just STFU

Either of those two would seem to be reasonable options.
Unless you are enough of a complete douchebag (gee, that would be a shocker) to sit back on your lazy ass jerking your pud all day - - - - and then piss and moan about the one person actually trying to do one damn righteous thing for the University.

I think we know where you fall into line.
LOL. This train wreck of a "campaign" has been fun to watch. Bjf must have decided that the best way to get votes is to insult the voters.

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LOL. This train wreck of a "campaign" has been fun to watch. Bjf must have decided that the best way to get votes is to insult the voters.


Another of Clem's PL quadruplet brothers gets the ignore. They all look alike, they all had the "thing" fall out.
