I don't think you can say that unless you've walked in their shoes.
I'm not afraid of mineshafts, wells or jockstraps.
I don't think you can say that unless you've walked in their shoes.
Perhaps the stream of trolling comments you made running down the left side of the video throughout the entire Town Hall presentation? Just a thought.Several times I have asked you - politely - what specific comments, made by me, caused you such personal consternation? And you have never cited even one.
Not in any of your many condemnations.
Well? Why is that?
If someone's comments caused me such consternation, I'd sure as hell at least know what those comments were
And you contend that I am the Bad Guy?
Here ya' go!
Barry, all anyone has to do is watch the video to know what @TenerHallTerror is referring to!So - as you continue to spew your completely unjustified venom........ if I now respond with a "Go F Yourself" (hypothetically of course).. then I'm the Bad Guy??
Perhaps the stream of trolling comments you made running down the left side of the video throughout the entire Town Hall presentation? Just a thought.
Such as?Perhaps the stream of trolling comments you made running down the left side of the video throughout the entire Town Hall presentation? Just a thought.
I can't believe a guy who professes to be smarter than everyone else can't see what a massive jerk he was on that live feed
I can't believe a guy who professes to be smarter than everyone else can't see what a massive jerk he was on that live feed
You're an idiot.
Brian Cuban knows exactly what occurred to uproot that meeting, a traffic ticket and a car accident that blocked the entire highway exit. All of the information was discussed in detail with Brain Cuban via Facebook message instead, over about a two-month period .You are arguing with two people - who were sooooo outraged at Brian Cuban - that he finally agreed to meet with them & hear them out ---- and NEITHER had the actual guts to actually show up. Like him or not, Brian exposed both of these creeps as cowardly trolls.
Brian Cuban knows exactly what occurred to uproot that meeting, a traffic ticket and a car accident that blocked the entire highway exit. All of the information was discussed in detail with Brain Cuban via Facebook message instead, over about a two-month period .
If he says any different? He's a bald-faced liar, which we already know YOU are.
By the time I arrived at the destination via a circuitous route due to the accident blocking regular traffic, which was about 45 minutes late, the barista told me he had left. It's Brian's favorite hangout joint where he writes his books, and the barista can verify this factual data as well.
NO1LION99 has a bad habit of doing that same thing. I caught that liar right here on this forum pretending I didn't discuss Second Mile info for over a year with him and help edit his blog with 2 other people, both of whom post here and can verify that.
So the three of you can join the silly little liars club. I have no time for trashy people like that. They will have to answer for their duplicity when/if they ever meet their maker.
You are arguing with two people - who were sooooo outraged at Brian Cuban - that he finally agreed to meet with them & hear them out ---- and NEITHER had the actual guts to actually show up. Like him or not, Brian exposed both of these creeps as cowardly trolls.
Such as?
What specifically causes you such consternation? Or, like Tener, are you SO offended - - - but you can't remember why?
You offended that I recognize when some asshole is pissing on my (and everyone else's) leg?
Pray tell, what has you so consternated?
I'm all ears
Those are my own words. Don't confuse them with anyone else's. I watched the video and was distracted by your incessant comment trolling during it. I happen to have reached the same opinion as others. Deal with it.
Then suddenly out of the blue he "changed his mind" and wrote a corrective blog post.when the news of the Sandusky scandal hit, most of us stood up for the truth and defended Penn State and Paterno
Cuban decided to grandstand, blame Paterno, say he was ashamed to be a Penn Stater, and use his public platform to obfuscate the failures of the state and Second Mile
So.......you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....NOTHING.....to cite as something that "offended you"........Those are my own words. Don't confuse them with anyone else's. I watched the video and was distracted by your incessant comment trolling during it. I happen to have reached the same opinion as others. Deal with it.
You have truly gone off the deep end Barry. Anyone who wants to read your comments is free to do so. The video is available. I have no obligation to you or anyone else to provide detail.So.......you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....NOTHING.....to cite as something that "offended you"........
What you label as "incessant comment trolling" (those ARE your words, in case you are wondering).....but you have NOTHING.
You ARE grievously offended. Right?
Maybe your panties are twisted because SOMEONE doesn't mindlessly bow down to every false demigod that you worship?
You're illustrating a remarkable level of idiocy, pretentious self-righteousness, and hypocrisy.........Deal with it.![]()
OMG......Funchuckles is trying to out-Ziegler ZIegler
and he's doing a great job
I'm sure he's just sore he got smacked down by Maribeth when he tried to physically crash the candidate forum . .
WOW.You have truly gone off the deep end Barry. Anyone who wants to read your comments is free to do so. The video is available. I have no obligation to you or anyone else to provide detail.
I'm busy right now helping a pastor and a youth group in RI while they work on some historical recovery at their place of worship, which is a different religion than mine.
Because I don't "worship false gods" , I believe in everyone having a right to worship the same ONE God in the manner they please. And it has nothing to do with SPORTS.
Maybe this thread should be locked at this point. A fitting place. Started with "The Lord" and ended with God.
Maybe this thread should be locked at this point. A fitting place. Started with "The Lord" and ended with God.
Next up - the God reference will inspire another rant from the resident Humanist.Not yet. There is far more OUTRAGE.to be expressed. Remember, this is the interwebs, and OUTRAGE.
, though manufactured out of a need to feel morally superior, is useful.
Next up - the God reference will inspire another rant from the resident Humanist.
Brian Cuban knows exactly what occurred to uproot that meeting, a traffic ticket and a car accident that blocked the entire highway exit. All of the information was discussed in detail with Brain Cuban via Facebook message instead, over about a two-month period .
If he says any different? He's a bald-faced liar, which we already know YOU are.
By the time I arrived at the destination via a circuitous route due to the accident blocking regular traffic, which was about 45 minutes late, the barista told me he had left. He told ME it was because he had another appointment. It's Brian's favorite hangout joint where he writes his books, and the barista can verify this factual data as well.
I still have his cell phone number from that time period.
How's about @coveydidnt provides evidence of this so-called "trashing" by Brian Cuban , and if he hasn't deleted it yet and it DOES exist ? (He deletes stuff when he realizes he was on one of his obsessive tangents like John Y, they both admit to being a little OCD which people who know them always give them slack for, those kinds of things cannot be helped) then once Covey provides it I will publish that phone number right here.
@no1lion99 has a bad habit of doing that same thing. I caught that liar right here on this forum pretending I didn't discuss Second Mile info for over a year with him and help edit his blog with 2 other people, both of whom post here and can verify that.
So if this RUMORED "trashing" actually occurred and @coveydidnt can prove it? The three of you can join the silly little liars club. I have no time for trashy people like that. They will have to answer for their duplicity when/if they ever meet their maker.
YOU changed the subject. Go take a short walk off a long pier you lowlife snake.What the heck are you ranting about? You're the one using the word "trashed"
This must hit very close to home with all the shrieking.
I think you and Simon's are cowardly trolls.
Here you are, where there's a discussion about a Penn STATE BOT election changing the subject to somehow influence and obfuscate the real issues. Comment all you like on other aspects, go F%ck yourself owhen u intrude on alumni matters.
YOU changed the subject. Go take a short walk off a long pier you lowlife snake.
golly, I've never participated in a alumni elected trustee campaign
Someone please DO tell me how that works. LOL
only Funchuckles can go on an insane rant about how he never went on an insane rant
Barry started it with the ridiculous "worshipping false idols", something "NO ONE EVER" could accuse me of with a straight face. It's verbatim out of the Bible! #KnowYourQuotes. LOL!Next up - the God reference will inspire another rant from the resident Humanist.
Barry started it with the ridiculous "worshipping false idols", something "NO ONE EVER" could accuse me of with a straight face. It's verbatim out of the Bible! #KnowYourQuotes. LOL!